Thanks. All suggested code format changes made.


On 11/18/10 12:48 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
On 11/18/10 6:56 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
On 11/17/10 5:18 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
how about "isCustomProvider"? Your comment above describing the flag already
explains it's for backward compatibility.

I changed it to isCustomPolicy since technically it isn't a Provider. I also
added more comments.

Thanks. That's helpful.
New webrev:

Looks good. Minor nits about indentation: In
line 301, 303: need to indent one additional space
line 302-305: the block should indent 4 additional spaces
line 304: indented 5 spaces instead of 4; perhaps concat line 303-304 together.
line 294-295, 311-312:
The indentation convention used in the security classes may be different. But
it'd be good to use the conventional indentation to align the second/third lines
with the first parameter in the first line.


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