thanks for raising this point Chris.

we certainly don't want any windows for such an attack. I'll revisit this.


On 24/02/12 13:31, Christopher Meyer wrote:
please correct me if I'm wrong, but the Changeset 5052 in ZoneInfoFile could
maybe draw an unexpected SideChannel at System.err.

Please have a look at the following:
TimeZone tzExistent = TimeZone.getTimeZone("/.\56/.\56/.\56/etc/passwd");
will walk the following path:

public static synchronized TimeZone getTimeZone(String ID)
private static TimeZone getTimeZone(String ID, boolean fallback)
private static final TimeZone parseCustomTimeZone(String id)
public static ZoneInfo getZoneInfo(String id)
private static ZoneInfo createZoneInfo(String id)
private static byte[] readZoneInfoFile(final String fileName)

where it is checked if it contains ".."

ileName.indexOf("..")>= 0
(which indeed it doesn't) - no more checking at this point, necessary path
checks are dropped for the sake of performance. When passed to

File file = new File(ziDir, fileName);

it will evalute fine to /../../../etc/passwd. Since the operation takes place
inside a doPrivileged block the file could be read (if present) without
SecurityException, even in an Applet. The attacker would succeed with a
directory traversal. No big deal due to this point, since no information is
handled to a potential attacker.

But when looking at the return path we find the following in private static
ZoneInfo createZoneInfo(String id):

System.err.println("ZoneInfo: wrong magic number: " + id);
System.err.println("ZoneInfo: incompatible version ("
                                    + buf[index - 1] + "): " + id);

So if an attacker manages to access System.err (one could think about
capabilities of LiveConnect or some related technologies...) he would be able
to detect the presence of files on the victims system. This would be clearly a
violation of the applet sandbox.

In my opinion the impact is not that big, but it increases an attackers

Do I miss something or got something wrong or this this an issue that should
be fixed?

Regards from Germany,

Blog on Java security and related topics:


Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Meyer

Horst Görtz Institute for IT-Security
Chair for Network and Data Security
Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

Universitätsstr. 150, ID 2/415
D-44801 Bochum, Germany

Phone: (+49) (0)234 / 32 - 29815
Fax: (+49) (0)234 / 32 - 14347

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