Thanks for the comments. The new comments for
SSLEngine/SSLSocket/SSLServerSocket do make the spec much more simple
and clear.

BTW, I removed the restriction on SSLSocketFactory.createSocket(), the
socket parameter can be an instance of SSLSocket.

The spec review is closed. Please file new bugs if you have other concerns.


On 10/9/2012 9:03 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:
> On 9/26/2012 8:05 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review the implementation of JEP 114/CR 7068321, Support TLS
>> Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension in JSSE Server.
>> JEP 114:
>> BuG    :
>> webrev :
> Not a lot of comments since we've already done so much over the last few
> months.  :)
> If you modified anything else that we hadn't talked about previously,
> please call it out.  I didn't do a complete line/line review, just
> looking at the main points and previous comments.
> javax/net/ssl/
> javax/net/ssl/
> javax/net/ssl/
> ==================================
> (Xuelei and I have been having internal discussions about how to rework
> some of the lengthy verbage currently in the SSLParameters class, so
> this comment builds on that discussion.)
> I just noticed three classes missing from the webrev.  We are updating
> the SSLParameters class with two new data structures (Host
> names/Matchers), but the actual discussion of what happens to the
> underlying SSLSockets/SSLEngines/SSLServerSocket is missing.  Note we
> did that for the other values like protocols/cipherSuites.
> Rather than the current discussion in SSLParameters about "previously
> configured/default", I would like to suggest we follow the simple
> discussion already in the javadocs, and it can shorten the verbiage in
> SSLParameters very significantly!  Even though we don't have equivalent
> methods (setEnabledHostNames()) in SSLSocket/SSLEngine/SSLServer, we
> should still talk about what happens when called:
> Add:
>     This means:
>     o ...deleted...
>     o if params.getServerNames() is non-null, the socket will configure
>       its server names with that value.
>     o if params.getSNIMatchers() is non-null, the socket will configure
>       its SNI matchers with that value.
> This places the behavior explanation better where it should be, and not
> in the configuration discussion.
> Now in the SSLParameters we simply talk about the effects these methods
> have on the SSLParameters class and what the values represent.  We
> already have the link to
> SSLSocket/SSLServerSocket/SSLEngine.setSSLParameters().  So...
> setServerNames() remains as is.
> setSNIHostNames() remains as is.
> getServerNames():
> =================
> 316:  Add to the constructor
> ", or null if none has been set."
> 321-326:  We can leave this discussion if desired, I think it sets up
> the discussion for 327-341 well.  I might suggest reordering the points
> slightly:
>    * It is recommended that providers initialize default Server Name
>    * Indications when creating
>    * <code>SSLSocket</code>/<code>SSLEngine</code>s.  In the following
>    * examples, the server name could be represented by an instance of
>    * {@link SNIHostName} which has been initialized with the hostname
>    * "" and type {@link StandardConstants#SNI_HOST_NAME}.
>    *
>    * <pre>
>    *     Socket socket =
>    *         sslSocketFactory.createSocket("", 443);
>    * </pre>
>    * or
>    * <pre>
>    *     SSLEngine engine =
>    *         sslContext.createSSLEngine("", 443);
>    * </pre>
>    * <P>
> 342-367:  Remove these lines.  All the necessary info is in the
> setSSLParameters methods.
> getSNIHostNames():
> ==================
> 435: Add to the constructor
> ", or null if none has been set."
> 440-471:  Remove these lines.
> Nice and clean.  All the discussion about default/current goes away.
> javax/net/ssl/
> ==============================
> 52:  Do you want to remind folks here that this class is supposed to be
> immutable?
> 64:  Not sure if caching this hash value will actually add much to
> performance vs. volatile adds overhead.  There will only a few of these
> (likely 1).
> 85-86:  Should these fragments be separated "," instead of "." as you
> did below in 143-149.  You probably need an "or" before the last item.
> 147:  You probably need an "or" before the last item.
> javax/net/ssl/
> =============================
> 32:  Do you want to spell out Server Name Indication before you use the
> abbreviation?  Or link to RFC 6066?  Just a thought, not strictly
> necessary.
> 105:  Empty line at end of file.
> javax/net/ssl/
> ================================
> 56:  Same comment about hashCode/volatile.
> 136:  Might want to add a <p> between sentences.
> javax/net/ssl/
> ====================================
> OK
> javax/net/ssl/
> =====================================
> OK
> javax/net/ssl/
> ================================
> See above.  No other comments.
> javax/net/ssl/
> ===================================
> Ok.
> So that you can update and submit to CCC, I'll stop here, but the
> implementation review will be continued in next email.
> Hope this helps,
> Brad

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