Even easier.  Just set useTicketCache=true in the JAAS config.

On Jun 25, 2013, at 5:37 PM, Weijun Wang <weijun.w...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Java (at least Oracle JDK) does not support PKINIT.
> Yes, you can do it outside, create a KerberosTicket and a KerberosPrincipal, 
> create a JAAS Subject containing them, and call Subject.doAs() later. It 
> should work.
> On Windows, if you manage to use Windows' own login and have the ticket 
> stored inside LSA, Java should be able to read it. There is a registry key 
> allowtgtsessionkey you need to take care of. Or maybe you can use any third 
> party kinit to save a ccache file which can also be picked up by Java.
> --Max
> On 6/26/13 7:29 AM, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>> I'm not authoritative, but AFAIK there is no smart card support in Java, 
>> though there is pkcs11 support.
>> If I had to do it, I would do the smart card/PKINIT stuff outside Java, and 
>> then let Java use the acquired tgt.
>> On Jun 25, 2013, at 5:52 AM, Ostap Andrusiv <pifos...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I've been playing with smart cards and faced some issues.
>>> Long story short:
>>> Prerequisites:
>>>     • I set up a basic Kerberos realm via Windows Active Directory.
>>>     • I managed to successfully login into service via login/password pair 
>>> using Java Kerberos(Krb5LoginModule), which is provided via JAAS.
>>> Now I try to implement Kerberos login via smart card. Smart card 
>>> preauthentication in Kerberos is done via AS-REQ/AS-REP messages 
>>> (PA-PK-AS-REQ/P extensions). Unfortunately, JAAS Kerberos hasn't used the 
>>> smartcard. As far as I have seen, there were no PA-PK-AS-REQ/P extensions 
>>> in openjdk sources. Maybe, I missed something.
>>> Question:
>>> 1. Does Java Kerberos support smart card preauthentication out of the box?
>>> 2. If it doesn't, can I somehow extends existing Kerberos module or should 
>>> I implement whole Kerberos from the ground up?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Ostap Andrusiv
>>> web: http://andrusiv.com
>>> skype: ostap.andrusiv
>>> ::p!F

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