
Could you please review my fix for 8016848:

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mullan/webrevs/8016848/webrev.00/

bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8016848

This is a bug because javax.security.auth.login.Configuration.getConfiguration() throws a ClassCastException when run with the compact1 or compact2 profiles.

This is because the default Configuration object that is returned is not in the compact1 profile. The default Configuration is specified by the "login.configuration.provider" security property (in the Java security properties file). This property is currently set to com.sun.security.auth.login.ConfigFile which is not in the compact1 or compact2 profiles

The fix is to change the default value of the "login.configuration.provider" security property to sun.security.provider.ConfigFile, which will be a new class that is essentially a copy of com.sun.security.auth.login.ConfigFile. However, because it is in the sun.security.provider package, it will be in all profiles. We will not remove the com.sun.security.auth.login.ConfigFile class as there may be some applications directly using it.

noreg-jck as there is an existing JCK test for this.


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