
Am 04.01.2014, 03:19 Uhr, schrieb Xuelei Fan <xuelei....@oracle.com>:
Per RFC 6460, there are two profiles, "Suite B Combination 1" and "Suite B Combination 2". SunJSSE default cipher suite preference does not compliant to the profiles at present. That's why it is said, "The preference order of the GCM cipher suites does not follow the spec of RFC 6460."

Maybe it is best to change the comment, this wording suggest the _ordering_ is the main difference, if I understood you correctly it is mostly missing supported ciphersuits? (BTW: how to specify the curve to use?)

If I see it right you prefer TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 as the only AES128 because it uses the Suit B compliant ECDHE. Maybe a comment similiar to the existing groupings should make that clear ("//ECDHE AES_xxx(GCM) Suite B")? And in that case (as Bradford pointed out as well) I think the order is wrong (it is a bit strange that there is no "high as possible" security level specified as compliant :-/)

Maybe the non-suite-b ciphers should also be ordered in groups which prefer ephermal exchanges (and not by symmetric bit length)

More generally asked: is there a analysis done to follow Suit B recommendation in this specific way? It seems to me the optimisting relying on ECDSA might need to be at least reconsidered (especially with standard curces and the need for good random source)

(I guess my comment is geared more towards the order within those cypers not the moving of the GCM block in general.)

And all those questions combined makes me wonder if it would actually be a good idea to have a global "compliance" switch, which can take a few common scenarios (PCI, Suite B LOW, Suite B HI, ...) and configure the list accordingly. The default can then be more practially oriented.


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