Hi Ondrej,

Thanks for sharing the information about your project. If you have a copy of the book "Inside Java 2 Platform Security" [1], there is a section (5.1.5) discussing the rationale for not including support for "negative" permissions in the Java Security model. The section talks about the reasons for not supporting them, particularly that there can never be any conflict between positive permissions. This makes it simpler to implement and also safer since there is no need to check for conflicts, and there is less of an unknown factor in what permissions are actually being granted. The book also discusses another potential solution whereby you could preprocess the negative permissions into a policy file containing only positive permissions. Requests for negative permissions come up every now and then, so I think it is useful to discuss it some more.

Anyway, I don't necessarily want to discourage you but I was just wondering if you have thought about any of these issues.


[1] http://www.amazon.com/Inside-Java%C2%BF-Platform-Security-Implementation/dp/0201787911

On 01/17/2014 03:39 AM, Ondřej Lukáš wrote:
I've implemented Java Security Manager and Policy for using denying
rules and I think that maybe someone will be interested in it. Standard
Java Policy [1] uses only granting permissions and there are cases when
denying rules are more comfortable than granting rules. I would like to
know your opinion and get some feedback if you'll be interested. Project
is called Prograde (Policy Rules Of GRanting And DEnying) and you can
use it as maven artifact:


Project is also available through github [2] and some tests are in
progradeTests project [3].

In the README files of these two github projects is some information
about using policy with denying rules. Usage is similar as with standard
policy, but you can write also deny entry (keyword "deny") instead of
grant. There is a new entry named "priority" which is set to grant or
deny value - it says whether grant or deny rule is used if they are in
conflict. Some examples of policy files are used in [3].

I think that the main advantage of this type of policy rules and
Prograde project is simplification of testing. Sometimes you want to
know what behavior will your application have in case that some specific
permission isn't granted. In this case you need to grant everything
except that permission, so a denying rule is the best option.

There are also some imperfections, but I think that they are not so
- Prograde is not able to work with general expansion [4]. (property
expansion works fine)
- Path used in codebase entry must contain only a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and some
symbols defined in encodeSpecialCharacters protected method of
net.sourceforge.prograde.policy.ProgradePolicyFile class.

I am planning to fix it in future releases.

I hope Prograde will be helpful for somebody and I'll be happy for every

Best regards,
Ondrej Lukas

[2] https://github.com/olukas/pro-grade
[3] https://github.com/olukas/progradeTests

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