Hi Jason,

Just a few comments:

* DOMSignatureMethod

- If setParameter throws an exception, I think we should fallback and try the old code. This will allow 3rd party JCE providers to continue to work until they update their implementations to support the new ParameterSpec.

* DSA, ECDSASignature, P11Signature

- engineSetParameter should throw InvalidParameterException if the enum is neither ASN1 nor P1363

* SignatureFormatParameterSpec

- can you add a sentence describing what each format is, ex: for ASN.1: "An ASN.1 sequence of two INTEGER values: r and s, in that order: SEQUENCE ::= { r INTEGER, s INTEGER }". For P1363, "an octet-encoding of r and s, in that order."

* TestECDSA, TestDSA2

- can you add an @bug 8042967 to each of these tests, since you are extending them to test this new format.

- can you also add a test which uses the SignatureFormatParameterSpec.ASN1 enum (by passing it to setParameter)?


On 01/22/2015 09:46 PM, Jason Uh wrote:
Please review this change, which enables DSA and ECDSA signatures in the
IEEE P1363 format (the concatenation of r and s).

This is accomplished through an implementation of
AlgorithmParameterSpec, SignatureFormatParameterSpec, which can be
passed to the existing Signature.setParameter() method before signing or
verifying a signature to indicate the desired signature format.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~juh/8042967/00/
bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8042967


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