
Please find comments in line.

On 5/20/2015 10:39 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:

A quick comment on the META-INF/services config files and the makefile. Merging the service config files is temporary until the module system is moving further along.

and other os-specific service configuration:
   1 #[solaris]

- why is this commented out? Does the makefile uncomment it? It should be simple
concatenation with

In an example that I found through another makefile, it would uncomment the entry start with "#[OS]" (and process/remove this prefix) when the OS matches. We need OS-specific file processing when concatenate these files.

The makefile doesn’t seem right though.


  98 all:

java.naming doesn’t seem an appropriate module to be the main module for containing all service provider config files. I initially propose to use as the gensrc module as indicated in line 96,98.

What decides if it's appropriate or not? These are not just crypto providers that we are defining here, but all classes which extend from I recall using as the gensrc module as you suggested initially. But when testing it, it doesn't seem to work as expected. I ended up using java.naming as that's the one ended up in the final image instead of the concatenated one under Could there be some alphabetic ordering when processing/building these modules?

Well, since this is really a hack and only temporary, does it really matter whether it's under java.naming or Both contains providers for the provider list. The key thing is that the resulting image works.

You can rename the file to and update the content..

GENSRC_PROVIDER := $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/java.naming/META-INF/services/

GENSRC_PROVIDER is the output file. line 79-89 is building the target list. I think you need another variable to build up the target list but not GENSRC_PROVIDER.

You can reference how Gensrc-jdk.jdi.gmk concatenates the service config for jdk.jdi and dk.hotspot.agent module.

# Filter com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector
$(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/jdk.jdi/META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector: \ $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/jdk.jdi/share/classes/META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector \

# Copy the same service file into jdk.hotspot.agent so that they are kept the same.


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