On 5/26/2015 9:22 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
On 5/26/2015 9:06 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:
On 5/26/2015 7:59 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
synchronized on class looks a little bit unsafe to me.

Why? Isn't it the same as making a static method synchronized? [1]

Other code may be also able to lock on class.

Code 1:
lock on MyClass.class

Code 2:
lock on MyClass.class

Code 1 and 2 know nothing about each other.  The behavior may be weird.
  I don't think it is a good practice.

So you are not a fan of all synchronized methods? :-)

I thought it's quite common to use synchronized static methods to prevent simultaneous access to a static field. While a method in another class can lock on thisClass.class (in this case the class is internal), I don't see why it wants to do this. This is not casual, it's just evil.

As singleton is
a static variable, creating the instance during initialization looks

-   private static Config singleton = null;
+   private static Config singleton = new Config();

This line might throw an exception. Also, do you intend to make
getInstance() simply returning singleton? This means if the first call
to new Config() throws an exception, getInstance() will not try to
reconstruct it. This might not be common in production, but I don't want
to make any behavior change.

I see you point.  Maybe, you can lock on a object.

A private static final Object? Yes I can, but is it worth doing?






On 5/25/2015 10:16 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
Hi All

Please review a code change at


I've limit the synchronized block to Config creation only and therefore
won't deadlock with EType's class initialization.

Noreg-hard. The EType call is at class initialization and only run once
in a VM session, which is extremely difficult to catch.


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