
On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 7:04 AM, Bradford Wetmore
<bradford.wetm...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> This new proposal still requires that ciphers are sorted in a way that
>> matches the ApplicationProtocol order.
>> Would be nice if, along with the HTTP/2 blacklist, there is a HTTP/2
>> comparator that sorts ciphers putting the blacklisted ones at the end.
> Hm...is the sample code at the end of the initial class description
> insufficient?  Adding a comparator seems a little heavyweight in that it
> could require access to the ciphersuite internals and would add a lot of
> complexity for this one known use case.  When TLSv1.3 is done, the blacklist
> stuff in HTTP/2 goes away.

Sure, but until TLS 1.3 widely deployed, applications will have to
sort the ciphers to put HTTP/2 ones before the blacklisted ones.
Providing this comparator is as trivial as providing
ApplicationProtocol.HTTP2BLACKLIST, so I thought to mention it.

>> I also don't understand why there are 2 methods for the protocol name
>> ? What value does it bring to have 2 methods for the same thing ?
> Please see the IANA registry:
> http://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values/tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml#alpn-protocol-ids
> for RFC 7301:
>     http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7301
> getProtocolName() is the IANA/IETF textual representation of the protocol
> name (i.e. "Protocol" column), for example "HTTP/1.1", "SPDY/3", and "HTTP/2
> over TLS".  I suppose toString() could be used instead, but thought it might
> eventually output additional ALPN value state.  I don't have any concrete
> plans at this point.
> getNetworkSequence() is the identification sequence for the protocol (i.e.
> "Identification Sequence" column), and represents the actual byte
> identifiers that will travel the network in an ALPN extension.
>     0x68 0x74 0x74 0x70 0x2f 0x31 0x2e 0x31 ("http/1.1")
>     0x73 0x70 0x64 0x79 0x2f 0x33 ("spdy/3")
>     0x68 0x32 ("h2")
> When client wants to send the extension over the network, it grabs the
> ApplicationProtocols values from the SSLParameters, then calls
> getNetworkSequence() on each ApplicationProtocol to obtain the actual opaque
> ProtocolName(1..2^8-1) to send.  Likewise on the server side, we match the
> incoming active ALPN opaque values with the list of mutually agreeable ALPN
> values.  And of course, send back the final selected value.

Sure, but application will have to implement two methods instead of
one, and AFAIU the JDK implementation is never calling
getProtocolName() since it's just a description for humans.

> I've updated the webrev to include an SSLSocket test variant, and added a
> few more comments.
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~wetmore/8051498/webrev.14/
> Hopefully things are more clear now.  Thanks for your review/comments.

I see now, thanks for the pointers !

Indulge me a bit more below on the Map passed as parameter to
ApplicationProtocol :)

IIUC, by the time we are executing the code that calls
ApplicationProtocol.match(), the TLS protocol is already chosen and
it's available in SSLSession.
When remains is the transient value of cipher that is being chosen.
Because we already have modified the API to support the application
protocol transient value (by adding
SSLEngine.getHandshakeApplicationProtocol()) to be used by
KeyManagers, I was wondering if we cannot either:

A) add: String SSLEngine.getHandshakeCipherSuite(), to be used by


B) add: Map<String, String> SSLEngine.getHandshakeParameters() or
perhaps: Map<String, String> SSLParameters.getHandshakeParameters().

Thanks !

Simone Bordet
Finally, no matter how good the architecture and design are,
to deliver bug-free software with optimal performance and reliability,
the implementation technique must be flawless.   Victoria Livschitz

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