This is looking really nice. Here are some comments on the API portion, will review the impl later ...

* Certificate

315      * can provider more builder methods.


329          * Builds a certificate by signing a request.

Technically, this signs the certificate, not the request, so I think this should say: "Builds a certificate from a request and signs it with the issuer's key."

343          * Builds a certificate request of the specified type.

This also signs the request, so I think it is important to say that, ex: "Builds and signs a certificate request of the specified type."

* CertificateFactory

44 * their encodings. A factory can also be used to build a certificate request

I would probably reword this: "A factory can also return a certificate builder that can create certificates and certificate requests."

105 * (if {@link #generateCertificateRequest} and {@link #getCertificateBuilder}
106  * are implemented):

I think you can remove these lines.

407     public final Certificate.Builder<?,?> getCertificateBuilder() {

Should this be <? extends Certificate,? extends Builder> or something like that?

* CertificateFactorySpi

Need more details on how inStream is parsed.
Missing an @implSpec on engineGenerateCertificateRequest

* X509Certificate

657 * A builder that builds X.509 v3 certificates and certificate requests.

Why only v3? I think we need to allow this to support other versions, if there ever are any.

 673      * Implementations of {@link #buildCertificateRequest} and various
 674      * overloaded {@code #buildCertificate} must support the
 675      * {@link PKCS10CertificateRequest} type.

I don't think we should mandate this for every impl, only SE implementations. I would remove this.

756          * SHA384withECDSA for a 384-bit EC key. TODO: return OID?

TODO needs to be addressed.

772         String getDefaultSigAlgName(PrivateKey key);

This seems like it should just be a static utility method, and not something every subclass has to implement.

1064     public static class GeneralName {

This should be a standalone class, since we may leverage it in other APIs that are not X509Certificate specific.

1075         public int getType() {

Should this be an Enum?

* CertificateRequest

  58     private int hash = -1; // Default to -1

should be volatile.

  64      * See the CertificateFactory section in the <a href=
65 * "{@docRoot}/../technotes/guides/security/StandardNames.html#CertificateFactory">

There should be a new section for CR encodings like there is one for CertPath encodings.

* PKCS10CertificateRequest

Methods should state whether they return or create new copies/clones.

105 * @exception CertificateEncodingException if an encoding error occurs.

Use @throws. Also, do we really need to throw this exception? When wouldn't we be able to create a valid encoding?


On 01/07/2016 07:33 AM, Wang Weijun wrote:
An updated webrev

with more changes:

1. Certificate.Builder and X509Certificate.Builder are now interfaces

2. Implementation is in a provider through 

3. New class CertificateRequest and PKCS10CertificateRequest, and 

4. New class X509Certificate.GeneralName

5. X509Certificate.Builder#setSigAlg(Name|OID|Params)

6. X509Certificate.Builder#serialNumber


On Dec 16, 2015, at 10:26 AM, Wang Weijun <> wrote:

Hi All

Here is an updated webrev

Spec change is at

These changes are made:

1. The Builder is moved into as an inner 

2. There is no more addExtension(String,String,boolean) that tries to parse 
input value strings (leave them to keytool). Each supported extension has its 
own addXXXExtension() method in The input 
format is the same as the output format of X509Certificate.getXXX() for each 
extension type. This relieves the requirement to define interfaces for 
GeneralNames etc at the moment.

3. keytool directly calls X509Certificate.Builder now.

No CertificateRequest at the moment. Builder still using byte[] which is PKCS 
#10 encoded.

Many thanks to Mandy, Larry, and Sean for your comments. Mike, we will add more 
methods later when they are needed.


On Dec 15, 2015, at 11:53 PM, Sean Mullan <> wrote:

On 12/03/2015 09:07 PM, Wang Weijun wrote:
Or if this is too much, we can at least do the X509Extension part. If
CertificateRequest is needed one day, we can create a new method
Builder.certificateRequest() that returns it and deprecate the
current request() method.

Or use certificateRequest() to return byte[] and save request() for
the future. :-)

I agree with this approach. I like the idea of moving the creation of 
Extensions to X509Extension so that they could be used independently of the 
X509Certificate.Builder API. Let's defer a CertificateRequest API for later.


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