> On Apr 21, 2016, at 3:06 AM, Bradford Wetmore <bradford.wetm...@oracle.com> 
> wrote:
>>> 175:  Should we add DRBG:SUN as a backup for non-windows?
>> If NativePRNGBlocking:SUN is not always available, yes we can.
> It should be available, unless someone decides to blow away /dev/(u)random.  
> But then DRBG will have the same problem.

They will have to redefine securerandom.source then.

> One advantage about listing it here is that deployments know there is a good 
> replacement if they don't like NativePRNG for some reason.

Good point.

> I'm fine with adding or leaving alone.
>>> 198:  Should we add a short 1-liner description for the fields?  The
>>> variable meanings (esp pr/df) may not be obvious to a casual observer.
>>> For example, using these three fields as an example:
>>>    mech_name: default "Hash_DRBG"
>>>        "Hash_DRBG" | "HMAC_DRBG" | "CTR_DRBG"
>>> +        The DRBG mechanism to use.
>>>    pr: default "none"
>>>        "pr_and_reseed" | "reseed_only" | "none"
>>> +        Prediction resistance...
>>>    df: default "use_df", only applicable to CTR_DRBG
>>>        "use_df" | "no_df"
>>> +        Derivation Function...
>> Not sure about the format, how about
>> #   # The DRBG mechanism to use. default "Hash_DRBG"
>> #   mech_name:
>> #     "Hash_DRBG" | "HMAC_DRBG" | "CTR_DRBG"
>> So this is double comment. Please note I also put the default value into the 
>> comment.
> Yes, that works.  Or java-style comments /* */ or //.
> Maybe expanding the values too?
> #   /*
> #    * Prediction Resistance options
> #    *   default: "none"
> #    */
> #   pr:
> #     "pr_and_reseed" | "reseed_only" | "none"
> #
> #         "pr_and_reseed" - Both Prediction Resistance and
> #                           reseeding support requested
> #         "reseed_only"   - Only reseeding support requested
> #         "none"          - Neither prediction resistance nor
> #                           reseeding support requested

I'd keep the

  "pr_and_reseed" | "reseed_only" | "none"

line and put all descriptions into the comment, to make this still BNF style.

>>> 210:  Instead of pointing to 800-90A here, you should instead point to
>>> the Sun Provider document.  That document will then reference
>>> 800-90A/Section 10, and will use the Standard Algorithm names that
>>> you have defined for these algorithms.  (I assume you'll be adding
>>> those to the standard algorithm name doc, right?  I don't recall seeing
>>> that part of the review yet, but maybe haven't gotten that far.)
>> Yes, I will.
> StandardNames.html#SecureRandom
> ===============================
>  NativePRNG Obtains...
>  ...
> + DRBG Obtains from an 800-90A impl...
> SunProviders.html#SUNProvider
> =============================
> SecureRandom: SHA1PRNG
>              NativePRNG
>              ...
> +             DRBG
>> The standard algorithm name is only "DRBG", but here it's the DRBG algorithm
> > name (SHA-256 etc). Are we going to talk about this in Sun
> > Provider doc?
> Valid point, since we haven't standardized these options, then we probably 
> shouldn't mention them in the Standard Alg names document.  But we can still 
> talk about this in the Sun Provider doc.
> You can make a new table and put it at the end of the Sun provider section.  
> I suppose you could also put the expanded definitions here instead of 
> java.security (or both).

java.security is better.

>>> 229: I hadn't noticed this before, but the Security variable "drbg"
>>> doesn't match the style of the other variables, securerandom.* or
>>> otherwise. I think we should use something like either:
>>>    securerandom.drbg
>>>    securerandom.drbg.config
>> Will choose "securerandom.drbg.config".
> Great, thanks.  The CCC will need an update with the new name, or else a new 
> CCC.  There's been no votes on your "finalized" version yet, so you might be 
> able to withdraw/resubmit.


>>> 229: Why an empty string here?  Why not actually specify the default here
>>> instead of burying the default somewhere where it might changed without
>>> a corresponding update to this file?
>> There is a small technical issue here. The problem is that the default value 
>> of algorithm_name depends on mech_name, and the default value of strength 
>> depends on algorithm_name. If we set "Hash_DRBG,SHA-256,128" here and we 
>> only change one of them, another one might be illegal.
>> For example, if I want to create a SecureRandom using MoreDrbgParameters 
>> (yes, this is an internal class) with
>>    SecureRandom.getInstance("drbg", new MoreDrbgParameters(
>>        null, "CTR_DRBG", "3KeyTDEA", null, false,
>>          DrbgParameters.instantiate(-1, NONE, null)))
>> it will fail, because with -1 in DrbgParameters.instantiate(), the new 
>> configuration will look like
>>    CTR_DRBG,3KeyTDEA,128
>> but CTR_DRBG,3KeyTDEA does not support 128 bit strength.
>> I will have to use DrbgParameters.instantiate(112, NONE, null) but that does 
>> not looks comfortable because I thought the system can give me a default 
>> working strength.
>> This won't be a problem if only public API is used, but I will have to redo 
>> some implementation codes.
> Ok.  If you haven't already, please add a comment where the default value is 
> stored to update the java.security file if this default value is ever changed.

A comment in java.security mentioning an internal class?


> Thanks,
> Brad

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