On 22/08/16 11:06, Xuelei Fan wrote:
Minor comments:

"... could arise if a bad key or password is used during decryption."
"password" may be confusing for some user cases. This could also happen if bad key used for encryption. I may just say "could arise if a bad key used."
The exception message modified only gets thrown in a decryption call. Isn't it true that a password fed to an application may be used to generate a key ? For that reason, I was trying to suggest that other variables (from user) could be at fault for the BadPaddingException. Would it be ok to keep the password reference (as a hint?)

I've implemented the rest of your suggested edits. Makes sense - thanks.
new webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coffeys/webrev.8150530.v2/webrev/index.html


I may prefer to use a sentence for the exception message.  For example:
   "Data must be shorter than ... bytes, but received ... bytes"
"The pad array length (padded.length) is not the specified pad size (paddedSize) "

I may not use the internal variable name in the exception message. It might be easier to read:

496/580: "The padding removed text (newLen bytes) should be bigger than <blockSize> as explicit IV used."

763/810: "The padding length (padLen) of SSLv3 message should not bigger than the block size (blockSize)."

934: "Insufficient buffer for AEAD cipher fragment, needs more than (recordIvSize + tagSize) bytes, but only (bb.remaining()) remains in the buffer"

360: "The output buffer (outLen bytes) is too small to hold the produced data (tmpBuffer.length bytes)"


On 8/22/2016 3:56 PM, Seán Coffey wrote:
Looking to improve some of the messages used in generation of
BadPaddingException messages. The 'Given final block not properly
padded' one in particular has caused confusion for some users in the past.

JBS report : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8150530
webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coffeys/webrev.8150530/webrev/

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