Hello all,

This is a proposal to introduce the ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher implementations into JDK. At a high level, the plan is to include both ChaCha20-Poly1305 and the base ChaCha20 stream cipher into JDK as part of the SunJCE provider initially, and then add TLS cipher suites as a follow-on feature.

Both algorithms will be CipherSpi implementations and will generally conform to the details of that API. I will discuss below some of the details such as which flavors of init are supported, etc.

 * Instantiation
     o For ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305, the simple name will
       suffice: either "ChaCha20" for the basic stream cipher or
       "ChaCha20-Poly1305" for AEAD mode will work.  You may however
       use the 3-element transform "ChaCha20/None/NoPadding" and
       "ChaCha20-Poly1305/None/NoPadding".  Any other type of
       transformation string will cause NoSuchAlgorithmException to be
 * Initialization
     o All three engineInit methods in the CipherSpi API will be
       supported.  Keys provided through the various Cipher init
       methods should have the algorithm String "ChaCha20" applied to
       it (case-insensitive).
     o For init/engineInit methods that take an AlgorithmParameterSpec,
       ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305 use different APS classes.
         + ChaCha20 will have a new ChaCha20ParameterSpec which takes a
           nonce (byte[]) and a counter (int).  This class will have
           getter methods to return those values if desired (getNonce()
           and getBlockCounter(), respectively).
         + ChaCha20-Poly1305 will use IvParameterSpec to provide the
           nonce.  The primary reason this is being used instead of
           ChaCha20ParameterSpec is in order to make backporting to
           earlier JDK releases possible.  Also there's no need to set
           a counter value, so it would end up being an ignored parameter.
         + For init calls where no AlgorithmParameterSpec or
           AlgorithmParameter has been provided, a random nonce will be
           set at initialization time.  the counter value will be set
           to 1.  The random nonce can be retrieved using the getIV()
           Cipher method or by using the getParameters() call and
           parsing the output from AlgorithmParameters.getEncoded().
 * Use
     o ChaCha20 encrypt and decrypt operations would work as any stream
       cipher would - as many bytes of ciphertext are returned from an
       encrypt function as plaintext bytes submitted (and vice versa
       for decrypt).
     o ChaCha20-Poly1305 operates in a similar fashion to other AEAD
       ciphers.  For encryption operations, as many bytes are returned
       as input submitted with the exception of the doFinal calls,
       which would return any remaining ciphertext plus an extra 16
       bytes for the tag.  For decryption, individual update calls
       return no plaintext.  The plaintext is returned only after the
       last bytes of ciphertext are provided, the authentication tag is
       provided, and the doFinal call is made. Once the authentication
       tag has been verified then the plaintext will be returned.
     o The getOutputSize call will return the following
         + ChaCha20: Same value as the submitted input size
         + ChaCha20-Poly1305: For encrypt, the returned size will be
           the input size + 16 bytes for the tag.  For decryption, the
           returned size will be input length - 16 bytes, or zero
           (whichever is larger).
     o Wrap and Unwrap: I have not been able to find a standardized
       wrap/unwrap format for ChaCha20 similar to RFC 3394 for AES.
       Right now the wrap() and unwrap() methods just take the encoding
       of the key to be wrapped and encrypts or decrypts them
       respectively.  If anyone is aware of a wrapping format for
       ChaCha20 please let me know.  My searches have so far come up empty.
     o Counter rollover protection will be enforced.  For ChaCha20 and
       ChaCha20-Poly1305, the cipher will cease to process input once
       the 32-bit counter space has been exhausted.
     o Nonce reuse protection: For both ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305:
       we will not allow reuse of the same nonce between two
       consecutive init() operations.
 * KeyGenerator
     o There will be a new KeyGenerator algorithm called "ChaCha20"
       which will create a 32-byte key suitable for use in either
       ChaCha20 or ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher instances.  If you use
       forms of the KeyGenerator.init() that take a variable key length
       and you do something other than 32 bytes then you'll have
       InvalidParameterException thrown at you.
     o If you use a form of the init that takes an
       AlgorithmParameterSpec it will throw
       InvalidAlgorithmParameterSpecException.  This is similar in
       behavior to other KeyGenerators like the HmacSHA-2 family,
       ARCFOUR, RC2, and AES.
 * Other TBD/in-progress items
     o ChaCha20Parameters: This will be added to
       com.sun.crypto.provider and will be able to provide an encoding
       for parameters used in ChaCha20 and ChaCha20-Poly1305 ciphers.
         + For ChaCha20-Poly1305, the default encoded form of the
           AlgorithmParameters will be the AEADChaCha20Poly1305Nonce
           from RFC 8103 section 3 (basically the nonce as an ASN.1
           OCTET STRING of 12 bytes).
         + For ChaCha20 I have not been able to find a standardized
           encoding for ChaCha20 parameters.  For lack of an official
           format I currently have it encoding the parameters as a
           SEQUENCE of an OCTET STRING (the nonce) and an INTEGER (the
           counter starting value).
             # Question: If a getParameters call on a cipher is called
               after the cipher has been in use for some time, should
               such an encoding provide the counter's current value, or
               the starting value at the time the cipher was initialized?
 * Backporting
     o We would like to backport this, but because we need the new
       ChaCha20ParameterSpec class to set the initial counter value
       ChaCha20 will not get backported.
     o ChaCha20-Poly1305 however can be backported, and the use of
       IvParameterSpec with ChaCha20-Poly1305 will allow this to
       happen.  Being able to backport ChaCha20-Poly1305 also allows
       the TLS cipher suites to be backported when those get added (see
     o Questions concerning how far back this will be backported and in
       what timeframes are still TBD.
 * Things that will not be part of this proposal...
     o TLS Cipher suites: Yes, we will do this, but this will be done
as follow-on work. This proposal covers just the JCA portion. I've already got TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256,
       TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 cipher suites working,
       so worry not!  It is our plan to have these in JSSE.

Thanks to everyone who has provided feedback so far and let's set a closure date on the discussion for two weeks from now. I think we should be able to hammer out any questions/concerns within that timeframe.


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