The property can get loaded very early and it can be hard to get ahead of it. 

The only suggestion I can think of is your option 1 isn't doing what you 
expect. To append to the existing properties, you use one equals, 
“=“. To override you use 2, “==‘.  So you may want something like:
> java-vm-args="" 


> On May 21, 2018, at 7:48 PM, Tom Hood <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Our legacy app will no longer launch with JNLP as of Java 8u171 and 8u172 due 
> to the addition of "3DES_EDE_CBC" to the global file's 
> "jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms" property.
> Schedule constraints do not allow us to upgrade our application to a stronger 
> cipher suite at this time and our customer is okay with continuing to run 
> with a compromised cipher suite in the near term for our legacy app.
> Problem is we cannot (and probably should not) simply edit the global 
> <installdir>/lib/security/ file.  Also, we would prefer not to 
> edit "Runtime Parameters" in the java control panel on each user's PC to 
> specify an override property file.  We would like a way to override in a JNLP 
> launch.  Is this possible?
> Other info about the app:
> - JNLP has security element:  <security><all-permissions/></security>
> - SSL connection that uses the compromised cipher suite is coming from inside 
> the guts of an antiquated, unsupported ORB implementation (Visibroker 5.2.1). 
>  Its source code is not available.  It does not support a stronger cipher 
> suite.
> Things I've tried:
> (1) add an overrides file with System property ""
> It doesn't appear there is a way to do this for a JNLP launch.  I tried each 
> of the following individually and none had the desired effect:
> <j2se version="1.6+" java-vm-args="" 
> .../>
> <property name="" value="override_file"/>
> <property name="" value="override_file"/>
> None of them have any effect except the last one which sets the system 
> property before main() starts, but that doesn't help, because it has the 
> "jnlp." prefix which isn't what the Security class expects.
> Since "-D" is not listed as a secure arg for "java-vm-args", it looks like 
> this is not possible by design, despite the jnlp file having 
> <security><all-permissions/></security>.  Reference doc:  
> (2) At start of app's main(), call 
> Security.setProperty("jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms", newvalue)
> JNLP launch: no change; fails same way
> Eclipse run as regular Java app: now works
> This leads me to believe the old value for the property is used and/or cached 
> in places other than the Security class *before* main starts for a JNLP 
> launch compared to when run as a regular Java app.
> (3) At start of app's main, use reflection as follows:
> (a) with reflection: force loading of 
> class via Class.forName
> (b) call Security.setProperty("jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms", newvalue)
> (c) with reflection: SSLAlgorithmConstraints.tlsDisabledAlgorithms = new 
> (d) call Security.setProperty("jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms", oldvalue)
> JNLP launch: no change; fails same way
> Eclipse run as regular Java app: now works; without substep (c) it fails same 
> way
> The old value must have been used and/or cached elsewhere besides 
> SSLAgorithmConstraints for a JNLP launch compared to running as a regular 
> java app.
> Unfortunately, I'm not sure I have the source code for sun.* that matches up 
> with 8u172, otherwise I would try to find where else that property is read.  
> Even if I could get the reflection to work, it seems all too fragile and 
> likely to break in future Java updates.  I'd prefer a different approach.
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you,
> -- Tom

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