Hi Simone,

The compatibility impact makes sense to me. Would you mind file a new bug?


On 10/16/2019 9:13 AM, Simone Bordet wrote:

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 5:42 PM Xuelei Fan <xuelei....@oracle.com> wrote:

The TLS protocol was changed to use half-close policy since TLS 1.3.  As
means that sslEngine.closeOutbound() will close the outbound and keep
the inbound open.  "NEED_UNWRAP" is used to indicate that the engine can
still be used to decode input message.

Maybe it's a matter of interpretation, but the SSLEngine state was not
used to indicate what may _possibly_ be done in the future.
It was an exact indication of what an application should do _now_.
In the normal case (after the handshake is completed), closeOutbound()
turns the state into NEED_WRAP because wrapping will generate the
In this case, NEED_UNWRAP is strange because I just closed the
outbound, and it's not clear what I need to read right now.
In fact, most of the times the read will yield 0 bytes because the
other peer is not aware that we have closed the outbound (as nothing
was produced to be sent to the other peer).

For the specific case bellow, it is reasonable to expect
"NOT_HANDSHAKING" as the handshaking has not been started.  On the other
side, as only the inbound open, it is also reasonable to me to use
"NEED_UNWRAP" although there is nothing to unwrap.  I think, using
""NOT_HANDSHAKING" may lead to confusing about what the next operation,
wrap() or unwrap(), could be in practice.  CLOSED is not an option to me
as the inbound is still open.

CLOSED is the _result_ (not the state) after a wrap().
Seems to me that you are saying that NOT_HANDSHAKING is wrong because
it does not tell what to do now, and NEED_UNWRAP is also wrong
because, well, there is nothing to unwrap.
What remains is NEED_WRAP, which will correctly tell what an
application needs to do.
This is exactly what happens after the TLS handshake is completed: the
application is in NOT_HANDSHAKING and calling closeOutbound() changes
the state into NEED_WRAP.
So I think there is an asymmetry between the behavior of
closeOutbound() before and after the handshake that does not seem

I understand there might be some compatibility issues for the use of
half-close policy.  I may close both inbound and outbound of an engine
in the application code if the connection is not used.

I think that if an application calls closeOutbound(), the
implementation should only do that.

Is there a known compatibility impact on you applications?

It's not possible to use the same code JDK 8 and JDK 11, unless there
is some "if (isJDK11Behavior())" throughout the code.

Looking just at JDK 11 behavior, what happens is:
* closeOutbound()
* state is now NEED_UNWRAP
* read from network, 0 bytes
* call unwrap(), produces a BUFFER_UNDERFLOW result, basically says
"wait for bytes to read" that will never come
* 0 bytes have been produced so nothing gets sent to the other peer
* the application does not know _when_ to send a FIN to the other peer
(it's waiting for the state to move away from NEED_UNWRAP and/or for a
CLOSED result)

Contrast that with:
* closeOutbound()
* state is now NEED_WRAP
* call wrap(), produces CLOSED result, basically says "we are done
with the output"
* 0 bytes have been produced, so no close_notify is sent to the other
peer, but we know from the CLOSED result that we can now send the FIN
to the other peer.


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