On 7/24/2020 10:32 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
On 7/24/20 1:18 PM, Joe Darcy wrote:

- src/jdk.security.jgss/share/classes/com/sun/security/jgss/GSSUtil.java

  37     /**
  38      * Do not call.
  39      */
  40     @Deprecated(since="16", forRemoval=true)
  41     public GSSUtil() {}

Is your concern that there may be some code out there that might be erroneously using the default constructor so you want to give some warning first before making this a private ctor after it is removed? (I think I agree, but I want to make sure I understand your thinking).

That is my concern here, yes. We've had a number of other cases in the JDK where the default constructor appeared in an static-only class as an attractive nuisance. Before static imports, subclassing such a class was a way to get its names in the namespace of the subclass, but that is an anti-pattern that should not be encouraged.

Ok, sounds good.


87      * Creates a {@code NTLoginModule}.


Hmm. If the this is pronounced as "N T Login Module", "N" would be a consonant sound so should be prefixed by the indefinite article "a", no?

This might be a question for one of the grammar experts amongst us. But isn't "N" a vowel sound: "en"?

I suppose looked at that way it is :-)

I'll make the adjustments, copyrights, etc. and push this later today.



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