On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 17:23:26 GMT, Maurizio Cimadamore <mcimadam...@openjdk.org> 

>> This patch contains the changes associated with the first incubation round 
>> of the foreign linker access API incubation
>> (see JEP 389 [1]). This work is meant to sit on top of the foreign memory 
>> access support (see JEP 393 [2] and associated pull request [3]).
>> The main goal of this API is to provide a way to call native functions from 
>> Java code without the need of intermediate JNI glue code. In order to do 
>> this, native calls are modeled through the MethodHandle API. I suggest 
>> reading the writeup [4] I put together few weeks ago, which illustrates what 
>> the foreign linker support is, and how it should be used by clients.
>> Disclaimer: the pull request mechanism isn't great at managing *dependent* 
>> reviews. For this reasons, I'm attaching a webrev which contains only the 
>> differences between this PR and the memory access PR. I will be periodically 
>> uploading new webrevs, as new iterations come out, to try and make the life 
>> of reviewers as simple as possible.
>> A big thank to Jorn Vernee and Vladimir Ivanov - they are the main 
>> architects of all the hotspot changes you see here, and without their help, 
>> the foreign linker support wouldn't be what it is today. As usual, a big 
>> thank to Paul Sandoz, who provided many insights (often by trying the bits 
>> first hand).
>> Thanks
>> Maurizio
>> Webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mcimadamore/8254231_v1/webrev
>> Javadoc:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mcimadamore/8254231_v1/javadoc/jdk/incubator/foreign/package-summary.html
>> Specdiff (relative to [3]):
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mcimadamore/8254231_v1/specdiff_delta/overview-summary.html
>> CSR:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8254232
>> ### API Changes
>> The API changes are actually rather slim:
>> * `LibraryLookup`
>>   * This class allows clients to lookup symbols in native libraries; the 
>> interface is fairly simple; you can load a library by name, or absolute 
>> path, and then lookup symbols on that library.
>> * `FunctionDescriptor`
>>   * This is an abstraction that is very similar, in spirit, to `MethodType`; 
>> it is, at its core, an aggregate of memory layouts for the function 
>> arguments/return type. A function descriptor is used to describe the 
>> signature of a native function.
>> * `CLinker`
>>   * This is the real star of the show. A `CLinker` has two main methods: 
>> `downcallHandle` and `upcallStub`; the first takes a native symbol (as 
>> obtained from `LibraryLookup`), a `MethodType` and a `FunctionDescriptor` 
>> and returns a `MethodHandle` instance which can be used to call the target 
>> native symbol. The second takes an existing method handle, and a 
>> `FunctionDescriptor` and returns a new `MemorySegment` corresponding to a 
>> code stub allocated by the VM which acts as a trampoline from native code to 
>> the user-provided method handle. This is very useful for implementing 
>> upcalls.
>>    * This class also contains the various layout constants that should be 
>> used by clients when describing native signatures (e.g. `C_LONG` and 
>> friends); these layouts contain additional ABI classfication information (in 
>> the form of layout attributes) which is used by the runtime to *infer* how 
>> Java arguments should be shuffled for the native call to take place.
>>   * Finally, this class provides some helper functions e.g. so that clients 
>> can convert Java strings into C strings and back.
>> * `NativeScope`
>>   * This is an helper class which allows clients to group together logically 
>> related allocations; that is, rather than allocating separate memory 
>> segments using separate *try-with-resource* constructs, a `NativeScope` 
>> allows clients to use a _single_ block, and allocate all the required 
>> segments there. This is not only an usability boost, but also a performance 
>> boost, since not all allocation requests will be turned into `malloc` calls.
>> * `MemorySegment`
>>   * Only one method added here - namely `handoff(NativeScope)` which allows 
>> a segment to be transferred onto an existing native scope.
>> ### Safety
>> The foreign linker API is intrinsically unsafe; many things can go wrong 
>> when requesting a native method handle. For instance, the description of the 
>> native signature might be wrong (e.g. have too many arguments) - and the 
>> runtime has, in the general case, no way to detect such mismatches. For 
>> these reasons, obtaining a `CLinker` instance is a *restricted* operation, 
>> which can be enabled by specifying the usual JDK property 
>> `-Dforeign.restricted=permit` (as it's the case for other restricted method 
>> in the foreign memory API).
>> ### Implementation changes
>> The Java changes associated with `LibraryLookup` are relative 
>> straightforward; the only interesting thing to note here is that library 
>> loading does _not_ depend on class loaders, so `LibraryLookup` is not 
>> subject to the same restrictions which apply to JNI library loading (e.g. 
>> same library cannot be loaded by different classloaders).
>> As for `NativeScope` the changes are again relatively straightforward; it is 
>> an API which sits neatly on top of the foreign meory access API, providing 
>> some kind of allocation service which shares the same underlying memory 
>> segment(s), and turns an allocation request into a segment slice, which is a 
>> much less expensive operation. `NativeScope` comes in two variants: there 
>> are native scopes for which the allocation size is known a priori, and 
>> native scopes which can grow - these two schemes are implemented by two 
>> separate subclasses of `AbstractNativeScopeImpl`.
>> Of course the bulk of the changes are to support the `CLinker` 
>> downcall/upcall routines. These changes cut pretty deep into the JVM; I'll 
>> briefly summarize the goal of some of this changes - for further details, 
>> Jorn has put together a detailed writeup which explains the rationale behind 
>> the VM support, with some references to the code [5].
>> The main idea behind foreign linker is to infer, given a Java method type 
>> (expressed as a `MethodType` instance) and the description of the signature 
>> of a native function (expressed as a `FunctionDescriptor` instance) a 
>> _recipe_ that can be used to turn a Java call into the corresponding native 
>> call targeting the requested native function.
>> This inference scheme can be defined in a pretty straightforward fashion by 
>> looking at the various ABI specifications (for instance, see [6] for the 
>> SysV ABI, which is the one used on Linux/Mac). The various `CallArranger` 
>> classes, of which we have a flavor for each supported platform, do exactly 
>> that kind of inference.
>> For the inference process to work, we need to attach extra information to 
>> memory layouts; it is no longer sufficient to know e.g. that a layout is 
>> 32/64 bits - we need to know whether it is meant to represent a floating 
>> point value, or an integral value; this knowledge is required because 
>> floating points are passed in different registers by most ABIs. For this 
>> reason, `CLinker` offers a set of pre-baked, platform-dependent layout 
>> constants which contain the required classification attributes (e.g. a 
>> `Clinker.TypeKind` enum value). The runtime extracts this attribute, and 
>> performs classification accordingly.
>> A native call is decomposed into a sequence of basic, primitive operations, 
>> called `Binding` (see the great javadoc on the `Binding.java` class for more 
>> info). There are many such bindings - for instance the `Move` binding is 
>> used to move a value into a specific machine register/stack slot. So, the 
>> main job of the various `CallingArranger` classes is to determine, given a 
>> Java `MethodType` and `FunctionDescriptor` what is the set of bindings 
>> associated with the downcall/upcall.
>> At the heart of the foreign linker support is the `ProgrammableInvoker` 
>> class. This class effectively generates a `MethodHandle` which follows the 
>> steps described by the various bindings obtained by `CallArranger`. There 
>> are actually various strategies to interpret these bindings - listed below:
>> * basic intepreted mode; in this mode, all bindings are interpreted using a 
>> stack-based machine written in Java (see `BindingInterpreter`), except for 
>> the `Move` bindings. For these bindings, the move is implemented by 
>> allocating a *buffer* (whose size is ABI specific) and by moving all the 
>> lowered values into positions within this buffer. The buffer is then passed 
>> to a piece of assembly code inside the VM which takes values from the buffer 
>> and moves them in their expected registers/stack slots (note that each 
>> position in the buffer corresponds to a different register). This is the 
>> most general invocation mode, the more "customizable" one, but also the 
>> slowest - since for every call there is some extra allocation which takes 
>> place.
>> * specialized interpreted mode; same as before, but instead of interpreting 
>> the bindings with a stack-based interpreter, we generate a method handle 
>> chain which effectively interprets all the bindings (again, except `Move` 
>> ones).
>> * intrinsified mode; this is typically used in combination with the 
>> specialized interpreted mode described above (although it can also be used 
>> with the Java-based binding interpreter). The goal here is to remove the 
>> buffer allocation and copy by introducing an additional JVM intrinsic. If a 
>> native call recipe is constant (e.g. the set of bindings is constant, which 
>> is probably the case if the native method handle is stored in a `static`, 
>> `final` field), then the VM can generate specialized assembly code which 
>> interprets the `Move` binding without the need to go for an intermediate 
>> buffer. This gives us back performances that are on par with JNI.
>> For upcalls, the support is not (yet) as advanced, and only the basic 
>> interpreted mode is available there. We plan to add support for intrinsified 
>> modes there as well, which should considerably boost perfomances (probably 
>> well beyond what JNI can offer at the moment, since the upcall support in 
>> JNI is not very well optimized).
>> Again, for more readings on the internals of the foreign linker support, 
>> please refer to [5].
>> #### Test changes
>> Many new tests have been added to validate the foreign linker support; we 
>> have high level tests (see `StdLibTest`) which aim at testing the linker 
>> from the perspective of code that clients could write. But we also have 
>> deeper combinatorial tests (see `TestUpcall` and `TestDowncall`) which are 
>> meant to stress every corner of the ABI implementation. There are also some 
>> great tests (see the `callarranger` folder) which test the various 
>> `CallArranger`s for all the possible platforms; these tests adopt more of a 
>> white-box approach - that is, instead of treating the linker machinery as a 
>> black box and verify that the support works by checking that the native call 
>> returned the results we expected, these tests aims at checking that the set 
>> of bindings generated by the call arranger is correct. This also mean that 
>> we can test the classification logic for Windows, Mac and Linux regardless 
>> of the platform we're executing on.
>> Some additional microbenchmarks have been added to compare the performances 
>> of downcall/upcall with JNI.
>> [1] - https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/389
>> [2] - https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/393
>> [3] - https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/548
>> [4] - 
>> https://github.com/openjdk/panama-foreign/blob/foreign-jextract/doc/panama_ffi.md
>> [5] - 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jvernee/docs/Foreign-abi%20downcall%20intrinsics%20technical%20description.html
> Maurizio Cimadamore has updated the pull request with a new target base due 
> to a merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 25 commits:
>  - Merge branch 'master' into 8254231_linker
>  - Fix incorrect capitalization in one copyright header
>  - Update copyright years, and add classpath exception to files that were 
> missing it
>  - Use separate constants for native invoker code size
>  - Re-add file erroneously deleted (detected as rename)
>  - Re-add erroneously removed files
>  - Merge branch 'master' into 8254231_linker
>    - Fix tests
>  - Fix more whitespaces
>  - Fix whitespaces
>  - Remove rejected file
>  - ... and 15 more: 
> https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/compare/cb6167b2...502bd980

Some of this is familiar to me from reviews in the `panama-foreign` repository, 
but less so than the memory API. I focused on the Java code, and ignored 
changes that are common with the memory API PR.

If it helps in can provide a PR in the `panama-foreign` repository addressing 
editorial comments to the linker API.

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/NativeMethodHandle.java line 36:

> 34: import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.newInternalError;
> 35: 
> 36: /** TODO */

Is the TODO to make this class public later and adjust the return type of 

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/NativeMethodHandle.java line 145:

> 143:      */
> 144:     private static class Lazy {
> 145:         static Class<NativeMethodHandle> THIS_CLASS = 
> NativeMethodHandle.class;

final field? Is this field needed, as `NativeMethodHandle.class` could be used 
directly, or use a local variable instead in the static code block.

src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/access/JavaLangAccess.java line 46:

> 44: import java.util.stream.Stream;
> 45: 
> 46: import jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibrary;

Unused import?

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 128:      * @return the downcall method handle.
> 129:      * @throws IllegalArgumentException in the case of a carrier type 
> and memory layout mismatch.
> 130:      */

Add `@see LibraryLookup#lookup`

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 124:      *
> 125:      * @param symbol   downcall symbol.
> 126:      * @param type     the method type.

s/method type/carrier type ?

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 127:      * @param function the function descriptor.
> 128:      * @return the downcall method handle.
> 129:      * @throws IllegalArgumentException in the case of a carrier type 
> and memory layout mismatch.

carrier type and function descriptor mismatch?

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 137:      *
> 138:      * <p>The returned segment is <em>not</em> thread-confined, and it 
> only features
> 139:      * the {@link MemorySegment#CLOSE} access mode. When the returned 
> segment is closed,

Implying that it is shared? If so might be better to state that directly (with 
a link), and can be closed explicitly or left until can be collected by the GC?

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 143:      * @param function the function descriptor.
> 144:      * @return the native stub segment.
> 145:      * @throws IllegalArgumentException in the case of a carrier type 
> and memory layout mismatch.

What's carrier type here? `target.type()`?
"IllegalArgumentException if the target's method type the function descriptor 
mismatch" ?

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 199:     }
> 200: 
> 201:         /**

Extra spaces

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 210:      * @param str the Java string to be converted into a C string.
> 211:      * @return a new native memory segment containing the converted C 
> string.
> 212:      * @throws NullPointerException if either {@code str == null}.

if {@code str == null}.

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 200: 
> 201:         /**
> 202:      * Convert a Java string into a null-terminated C string, using the

Converts (and in other places and for other methods)

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 312:      * restricted methods, and use safe and supported functionalities, 
> where possible.
> 313:      * @param addr the address at which the string is stored.
> 314:      * @param charset The {@linkplain java.nio.charset.Charset} to be 
> used to compute the contents of the Java string.

s/linkplain/link (and in other places)

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 350:      * @param charset The {@linkplain java.nio.charset.Charset} to be 
> used to compute the contents of the Java string.
> 351:      * @return a Java string with the contents of the null-terminated C 
> string at given address.
> 352:      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code addr == null}

or charset == null (and in other places)

src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/CLinker.java line 

> 378: 
> 379:     /**
> 380:      * Allocate memory of given size using malloc.

What if allocation failed? `OutOfMemoryError`?

 line 60:

> 58:     private FunctionDescriptor(MemoryLayout resLayout, Map<String, 
> Constable> attributes, MemoryLayout... argLayouts) {
> 59:         this.resLayout = resLayout;
> 60:         this.attributes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(attributes);

Since `attributes` is never exposed directly or indirectly via a set of 
keys/values/entries there is no need to wrap it.

 line 100:

> 98:     /**
> 99:      * Returns the return layout associated with this function.
> 100:      * @return the return

s/the return/the return layout (and other places)

 line 145:

> 143:      * @throws NullPointerException if any of the new argument layouts 
> is null.
> 144:      */
> 145:     public FunctionDescriptor appendArgumentLayouts(MemoryLayout... 
> addedLayouts) {

Might consider using "with" as in "withAppendedArgumentLayouts", 
"withReturnLayout", "withVoidReturnLayout"

 line 37:

> 35: 
> 36: /**
> 37:  * A native library lookup. Exposes lookup operation for searching 
> symbols, see {@link LibraryLookup#lookup(String)}.

s/Exposes lookup/Exposes a lookup

 line 91:

> 89: 
> 90:     /**
> 91:      * Lookups a symbol with given name in this library. The returned 
> symbol maintains a strong reference to this lookup object.

s/Lookups/Looks up

 line 130:

> 128: 
> 129:     /**
> 130:      * Obtain a library lookup object corresponding to a library 
> identified by given library name.

Mention the context in which the library is found i.e. what ever the equivalent 
of LD_LIBRARY_PATH is in Java (the system property name escapes me at this 

line 44:

> 42:  * by off-heap memory. Native scopes can be either <em>bounded</em> or 
> <em>unbounded</em>, depending on whether the size
> 43:  * of the native scope is known statically. If an application knows 
> before-hand how much memory it needs to allocate,
> 44:  * then using a <em>bounded</em> native scope will typically provide 
> better performances than independently allocating the memory


line 54:

> 52:  * To allow for more usability, it is possible for a native scope to 
> reclaim ownership of an existing memory segment
> 53:  * (see {@link MemorySegment#handoff(NativeScope)}). This might be useful 
> to allow one or more segments which were independently
> 54:  * created to share the same life-cycle as a given native scope - which 
> in turns enables client to group all memory

s/enables client/enables a client

line 85:

> 83:      * @return a segment for the newly allocated memory block.
> 84:      * @throws OutOfMemoryError if there is not enough space left in this 
> native scope, that is, if
> 85:      * {@code limit() - size() < layout.byteSize()}.

Where do the `limit` and `size` methods come from?

line 374:

> 372:      * }</pre>
> 373:      * @param elementLayout the array element layout.
> 374:      * @param size the array element count.

s/size/length or count?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/634

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