On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 19:36:31 GMT, Sean Mullan <mul...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> New commit and the output will look like:
>> PSSParameterSpec[hashAlgorithm=SHA-256, 
>> maskGenAlgorithm=MGF1ParameterSpec[hashAlgorithm=SHA-256], saltLength=32, 
>> trailerField=1]
>> I'm using the ASN.1 field names here. (Precisely the name in MGF1 is 
>> OAEP-PSSDigestAlgorithms but that's too long).
>> New commit and the output will look like:
>> ```
>> PSSParameterSpec[hashAlgorithm=SHA-256, 
>> maskGenAlgorithm=MGF1ParameterSpec[hashAlgorithm=SHA-256], saltLength=32, 
>> trailerField=1]
>> ```
>> I'm using the ASN.1 field names here. (Precisely the name in MGF1 is 
>> OAEP-PSSDigestAlgorithms but that's too long).
> I like it. Looks good.

@seanjmullan Can you approve it then?


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1208

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