On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 08:32:17 GMT, Christoph Langer <clan...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> There is a flaw in sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl::close() which leads to 
> leaking socket resources after JDK-8224829.
> The close method calls duplexCloseOutput() and duplexCloseInput(). In case of 
> an exception in any of these methods, the call to closeSocket() is bypassed, 
> and the underlying Socket may not be closed.
> This manifests in a real life leak after JDK-8224829 has introduced a call to 
> getSoLinger() on the path of duplexCloseOutput -> closeNotify. If socket impl 
> / OS socket hadn't been created yet it is done at that place. But then after 
> duplexCloseOutput eventually fails with a SocketException since the socket 
> wasn't connected, closing fails to call Socket::close().
> This problem can be reproduced by this code:
>                       SSLSocket sslSocket = 
> (SSLSocket)SSLSocketFactory.getDefault().createSocket();
>                       sslSocket.getSSLParameters();
>                       sslSocket.close();
> This is what happens when SSLContext.getDefault().getDefaultSSLParameters() 
> is called, with close() being eventually called by the finalizer.
> I'll open this PR as draft for now to start discussion. I'll create a 
> testcase to reproduce the issue and add it soon.
> I propose to modify the close method such that duplexClose is only done on a 
> connected/bound socket. Maybe it even suffices to only do it when connected.
> Secondly, I'm proposing to improve exception handling a bit. So in case 
> there's an IOException on the path of duplexClose, it is caught and logged. 
> But the real close moves to the finally block since it should be done 
> unconditionally.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 93b6ab56
Author:    Christoph Langer <clan...@openjdk.org>
URL:       https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/commit/93b6ab56
Stats:     129 lines in 5 files changed: 97 ins; 15 del; 17 mod

8256818: SSLSocket that is never bound or connected leaks socket resources

Reviewed-by: xuelei


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1363

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