On Mon, 4 Jan 2021 21:35:48 GMT, Valerie Peng <valer...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> When a multi-part cipher operation fails in SunPKCS11 (i.e. because of an 
>> invalid block size), we now cancel the operation before returning the 
>> underlying Session to the Session Manager. This allows to use the returned 
>> Session for a different purpose. Otherwise, an CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE error 
>> would be raised from the PKCS#11 library.
>> The jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Cipher/CancelMultipart.java regression test is 
>> introduced as part of this PR.
>> No regressions found in jdk/sun/security/pkcs11.
> Thanks for finding this! There have been intermittent CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE 
> errors which is likely the result of this bug...
> Existing SunPKCS11 code is based on the PKCS#11 spec, e.g. a call to 
> C_EncryptUpdate which results in an error other than CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 
> terminates the current encryption operation, and thus avoid the canceling 
> operation for such scenarios. Ideally, NSS should have properly terminated 
> the operation as the spec described. Knowing the NSS behavior, this 
> defensive-cancellation fix is good.
> There are additional SunPKCS11 impl classes which follow the same model as 
> P11Cipher class and may have to be updated with this defensive-cancellation 
> fix as well. How about P11AEADCipher.java, P11RSACipher.java, 
> P11Signature.java, P11PSSSignature.java, P11Mac.java?
> Thanks,
> Valerie

Thanks for having a look at this.

You're right: there might be problems beyond P11Cipher and this is a good 
opportunity to have a look at them.

I'll start with an analysis of P11Signature.

P11Signature makes the following PKCS#11 calls: C_SignInit, C_VerifyInit, 
C_SignFinal, C_Sign, C_VerifyFinal, C_Verify, C_SignUpdate and C_VerifyUpdate. 
The type of bug described in JDK-8258833 can potentially happen in all of them 
except for C_SignInit and C_VerifyInit, where the operation does not need to be 
terminated upon a failure.

In the NSS Software Token (checked on NSS 3.50), an NSC_SignUpdate call goes to 
sftk_MACUpdate with the 'type' parameter equal to 'SFTK_SIGN' [1]. Assumming 
there is a 'context' for the type that can be retrieved (otherwise 
CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE cannot occur [2]), there are only two paths in which 
sftk_MACUpdate can return an error (in other words, crv != CKR_OK): [3] and 
[4]. For these two paths, execution goes to sftk_TerminateOp [5] [6]; which 
finally cleans up the context [7]. This is consistent with sftk_MACUpdate 
documentation here [8]. Thus, I don't expect the same kind of error that we may 
have for NSC_EncryptUpdate. Note how in NSC_EncryptUpdate there are no calls to 
sftk_TerminateOp [9]. Forcing a 'cancel' operation from OpenJDK when calling 
C_SignUpdate [10] [11] would incurr in an unnecessary cost; but this cost is 
paid on an already-slow path.

The same reasoning applies to NSC_VerifyUpdate, as it uses same sftk_MACUpdate 
function with the 'type' parameter equal to 'SFTK_SIGN' [12].

When it comes to C_SignFinal and C_VerifyFinal; the operation (assumming a 
valid context was obtained) is almost always terminated [13] [14]. There is an 
exception to the previous statement: In C_SignFinal, a CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 
does not terminate the session (while returning an error) [15]. This is PKCS#11 
standard compliant, and must be handled in the OpenJDK side. The approach in 
P11Cipher to analogous cases is to throw an exception and cancel the operation 
at the P11Cipher-level (returning a session with an active operation to the 
Session Manager previous to JDK-8258833 fix) [16] [17]. The current 
P11Signature implementation does not do this [18], and incurrs in the bug of 
returning the session to the SessionManager with an active operation. We need 
to fix this in every place where C_SignFinal is used.

In C_Sign, functions such as NSC_SignUpdate and NSC_SignFinal (which handle 
active operations in most cases if an error occurs) are used for multi-part 
operations. If it's not a multi-part operation and the error is different than 
CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, the operation is terminated [19]. This is similar to what 
happens in NSC_SignFinal, and we need to handle it in the OpenJDK side every 
time C_Sign is called (i.e.: [20] [21]).

C_Verify either uses NSC_VerifyUpdate/NSC_VerifyFinal or always terminates the 
operation [22]; so it shouldn't be a problem.

In summary, I believe we need changes in the OpenJDK side to properly handle 
CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL errors when C_SignFinal or C_Sign PKCS#11 functions are 
called from P11Signature. Even if other error types or functions such as 
C_VerifyFinal, C_Verify, NSC_SignUpdate and NSC_VerifyUpdate should not need an 
explicit cancel; we might want to do it anyways to be more defensive and do not 
depend on a specific NSS implementation.

[1] - 
[2] - 
[3] - 
[4] - 
[5] - 
[6] - 
[7] - 
[8] - 
[9] - 
[10] - 
[11] - 
[12] - 
[13] - 
[14] - 
[15] - 
[16] - 
[17] - 
[18] - 
[19] - 
[20] - 
[21] - 
[22] - 


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/1901

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