On Fri, 2 Apr 2021 04:03:50 GMT, Xue-Lei Andrew Fan <xue...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Maybe we don't need to resolve it in this code change. If we look carefully 
>> at RFC 8410 Sections 10.1 and 10.2, it shows the X25519 certificate in 10.2 
>> is using the signer's SKID in 10.1 as its own SKID and it has no AKID. 
>> Currently, keytool will generate a new SKID and use signer's SKID as AKID. 
>> If we really want to generate a certificate that's identical to the one in 
>> the RFC, we'll need a way to tell keytool to omit the AKID (something like 
>> "-ext akid=none").
>> Maybe we don't need to resolve it in this code change. If we look carefully 
>> at RFC 8410 Sections 10.1 and 10.2, it shows the X25519 certificate in 10.2 
>> is using the signer's SKID in 10.1 as its own SKID and it has no AKID. 
>> Currently, keytool will generate a new SKID and use signer's SKID as AKID. 
>> If we really want to generate a certificate that's identical to the one in 
>> the RFC, we'll need a way to tell keytool to omit the AKID (something like 
>> "-ext akid=none").
> Better to use AKID for certification path building.

I don't mean we will remove it by default. Just think there needs a way to 
remove either AKID or SKID, because we always generate them automatically.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3281

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