While testing the Apache Ant project with the latest released EA of JDK 17[1] (build 26), at least one of our internal test case has started failing. The failure relates to the new "WARNING" message that gets printed out to System.err when some code at runtime sets the security manager. The test case we have expects that the System.err stream contains only specific content. However, with this change, it now finds the expected content plus this additional warning message:

WARNING: java.lang.System::setSecurityManager is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Given the way the test is written, it doesn't like the presence of this additional content on System.err and fails.

"Fixing" this test itself is pretty trivial for us and given that it's just one such test, I plan to just go ahead and do that tomorrow. However, what I'm more interested in is what part of the code at runtime is setting the security manager. I think even that part I can probably easily narrow it down tomorrow once I look into the code. But from what I imagine, this is going to be much more difficult to narrow down if the security manager is being set at runtime from third party library code, deep in the ecosystem of the deployed application (imagine some code embedding Ant project and invoking it from their project).

I understand that the -Djava.security.manager system property allows the values "allow" and "disallow", but additionally would it be possible to introduce a new (optional) system property which takes a value "debug"? When this system property is set to "debug" and the Java runtime detects that a WARNING needs to be issued because of runtime setting of security manager, then a stacktrace is dumped showing the call location of each such code which is setting the security manager? This would be similar to the --illegal-access flag (although not a system property) that had the "debug" option, which I thought proved to be very useful when narrowing down the reflective access calls.

[1] https://jdk.java.net/17/


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