On Mon, 15 Nov 2021 19:05:27 GMT, Sean Mullan <mul...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > The serialized form doc for both classes should say something about what is 
> > serialized. Since it is using writeReplace, it can indicate that 
> > CertificateRep/CertPathRep is used instead (and the arguments). likely 
> > you'll need to use the @serial javadoc tag and check the generated javadoc 
> > to verify.
> The `writeReplace` methods do have `@serial` tags, and they do show up in the 
> Serialized Form of the javadoc, ex: 
> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/serialized-form.html#java.security.cert.Certificate
> Is your comment more that these methods could more clearly specify what is 
> returned?

The `@java.io.Serial` annotation doesn't add any description to the generated 
javadoc or serialized form doc.

The javadoc in the serialized for says only: "Replace the Certificate to be 
For my purposes it would enough to reword it to say it returns a CertificateRep 
holding the type and data or something similar.
The `@serial` javadoc tag might be useful but not necessary if the regular 
javadoc that is in the serialized form doc is concrete.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6392

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