Hi Michael & the JDK crypto team,

Although it might be cool writing a JEP it is not really my job.  There are 
also multiple ways of addressing this issue.

BTW, the COSE/JOSE folks who are about to introduce new algorithms want to 
overload RFC 8037 which defines a key type OKP.
I'm not in favor of this idea since breaks existing OKP code.
I'm suggesting that each new crypto system should get its own name space and 
thus long-term corresponding Java interfaces.

Since this is happening NOW and there is no turning back, it would be useful to 
get some early feedback from the JDK folks.  In fact, this is the origin of 
this request.

It seems that nobody representing JDK crypto is involved in COSE/JOSE.


On 2022-03-25 18:23, Michael StJohns wrote:
On 3/25/2022 12:33 PM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
On 2022-03-25 17:12, Anthony Scarpino wrote:
When you say "construct and EC key", do you mean creating an EC key from
an existing set of values via PKCS8 or X509 encoding?  Or are you
talking about EC key generation?

I was talking about creating keys from parameter data supplied by for
example JOSE:
     "kty": "EC",
     "crv": "P-256",
     "x": "6BKxpty8cI-exDzCkh-goU6dXq3MbcY0cd1LaAxiNrU",
     "y": "mCbcvUzm44j3Lt2b5BPyQloQ91tf2D2V-gzeUxWaUdg"

Apparently this particular issue have solution (as Michael StJohns
showed), although it is not particularity intuitive as well as

Another take on this issue:

"Returns the key in its primary encoding format, or null if this key
does not support encoding"

With COSE/JOSE there is no longer an obvious primary encoding format.

Of course there is.  You may not like that it's not COSE or JOSE, but
the encoding spec remains as is and 10s of 1000s of implementations that
use that encoding would be annoyed if you tried to claim a new "primary
encoding format".

The SubjectPublicKeyInfo encoding for PublicKeys, the PKCS8 encoding for
private keys, and RAW encoding for SecretKeys is what's there and I'm
pretty sure won't change.  I occasionally wished for a getEncoded()
method that took an encoding type as an argument (e.g.
getEncoded("bareXY") or some such), but that's not in the API.

What I'd suggest is that you write a JEP for adding EncodedKeySpec
classes for COSE and JOSE to the API.   I'd probably also add a
GenericKeyEncodingSpec class.  That should be simple enough as a first step.

The second step would be to write and contribute a Jose and Cose
KeyFactory implementation that uses those classes.

As I noted, it should be possible to externalize any preferred encoding
by using the getKeySpec method of KeyFactory rather than just the key
types default encoding.

Later, Mike



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