We re-implemented a subset of Java Serialization, prior to the creation Java serialization filters.  Field types are read ahead from the stream and invariant's validated during construction for failure atomicity (a special constructor signature is used for deserialization), there are also stream limits that require periodical stream resets, to avoid million laugh style attacks. Also the source of the serialized data must be authenticated before permission is granted for parsing serial data.   We also removed the ability to deserialize object graphs with circular links.

This is used for an Remove invocation framework called JERI (Jini extensible remote invocation).  Serialization has been given a public API to allow extensibility, that is to allow other serialization protocols to be used via configuration, using a Serialization layer.

Service and service discovery architecture makes use of JERI, for marshaling object parameters securely over the network, for remote method calls on services, via remote proxy's.

The way that JERI serializes proxy's has changed significantly since Jini, instead of marshaling proxy's, a bootstrap proxy (local code only) is marshaled first, the client first authenticates the connection, the bootstrap proxy is used to provide information for dynamic downloading of any required jar files, or wiring of dependencies prior to the unmarshaling of the service proxy.  Unlike Java RMI, which uses RMIClassLoading for class resolution, each Jeri Endpoint is assigned a ClassLoader for class resolution during deserialization / object unmarshaling, this solves the OSGi deserialzation class resolution problem.




Would be nice to do some testing with the changes.

Peter Firmstone
0498 286 363
Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

On 18/04/2022 2:24 am, liach wrote:
Convert dynamic proxies to hidden classes. Modifies the serialization of proxies 
(requires change in "Java Object Serialization Specification"). Makes the 
proxies hidden in stack traces. Removes duplicate logic in proxy building.

The main compatibility changes and their rationales are:
1. Modification to the serialization specification: In the "An instance of the class 
is allocated... The contents restored appropriately" section, I propose explicitly 
state that handling of proxies are unspecified as to allow implementation freedom, though 
I've seen deliberate attempts for proxies to implement interfaces with `readResolve` in 
order to control their serialization behavior.
    - This is for the existing generated constructor accessor is 
bytecode-based, which cannot refer to hidden classes.
    - An alternative is to preserve the behavior, where the serialization 
constructor calls `invokespecial` on the closest serializable superclass' 
no-arg constructor, like in #1830 by @DasBrain.
    - My rationale against preservation is such super calls are unsafe and 
should be discouraged in the long term. Calling the existing constructor with a 
dummy argument, as in my implementation, would be more safe.
2. The disappearance of proxies in stack traces.
    - Same behavior exists in lambda expressions: For instance, in `((Runnable) () 
-> { throw new Error(); }).run();`, the `run` method, implemented by the 
lambda, will not appear in the stack trace, and isn't too problematic.

A summary of the rest of the changes:
1. Merged the two passes of determining module and package of the proxy into 
one. This reduced a lot of code and allowed anchor class (for hidden class 
creation) selection be done together as well.
2. Exposed internal API for obtaining a full-privileged lookup to the rest of 
`java.base`. This API is intended for implementation of legacy (pre 
`MethodHandles.Lookup`) caller sensitive public APIs so they don't need more 
complex tricks to obtain proper permissions as lookups.
3. Implements [8229959](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8229959): 
passes methods computed by proxy generator as class data to the hidden proxy 
class to reduce generated proxy class size and improve performance.

In addition, since this change is somewhat large, should we keep the old proxy 
generator as well and have it toggled through a command-line flag (like the old 
v49 proxy generator or the old reflection implementation)?

Please feel free to comment or review. This change definitely requires a CSR, 
but I have yet to determine what specifications should be changed.


Commit messages:
  - Change proxy serialization to work with hidden classes (require spec update)
  - Formatting
  - Move to hidden class and methods in class data
  - Implement anchors and remove proxyClassLookup factory

Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8278/files
  Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/?repo=jdk&pr=8278&range=00
   Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8242888
   Stats: 400 lines in 6 files changed: 122 ins; 222 del; 56 mod
   Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8278.diff
   Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk pull/8278/head:pull/8278

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8278

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