On Fri, 28 Oct 2022 18:05:30 GMT, Xue-Lei Andrew Fan <xue...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Hi,
>> May I have this update reviewed?
>> The EC point multiplication for secp256r1 could be improved for better 
>> performance, by using more efficient algorithm and pre-computation.  
>> Improvement for other curves are similar, but will be addressed in separated 
>> PRs.
>> The basic idea is using pre-computed tables and safe table select in order 
>> to speed up the point multiplication and keep is safe.  Before this patch 
>> applied, a secp256r1 point multiplication operation needs 256 double 
>> operations and 78 addition operations.  With this patch, it is reduced to 16 
>> double operations and 64 addition operations.  **If assuming the performance 
>> for double and addition operations is about the same (double operation is a 
>> little bit faster actually), the new point multiplication implementation 
>> performance is about 4 times ((256+78)/(16+64)) of the current 
>> implementation.**
>> ## SSLHandshake.java benchmark
>> ### Use secp256r1 as the named group
>> The following are TLS benchmarking 
>> (test/micro/org/openjdk/bench/java/security/SSLHandshake.java) results by 
>> using secp256r1 (Set the System property, "jdk.tls.namedGroups" to 
>> "secp256r1") as the key exchange algorithm in TLS connections:
>> Benchmark with this patch:
>> Benchmark                 (resume)  (tlsVersion)   Mode  Cnt     Score    
>> Error  Units
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake      true       TLSv1.2  thrpt   15  7976.334 ± 
>> 96.877  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake      true           TLS  thrpt   15   315.783 ±  
>> 1.208  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake     false       TLSv1.2  thrpt   15   235.646 ±  
>> 1.356  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake     false           TLS  thrpt   15   230.759 ±  
>> 1.789  ops/s
>> Benchmark before this patch applied:
>> Benchmark                 (resume)  (tlsVersion)   Mode  Cnt     Score    
>> Error  Units
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake      true       TLSv1.2  thrpt   15  7830.289 ± 
>> 58.584  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake      true           TLS  thrpt   15   253.827 ±  
>> 0.690  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake     false       TLSv1.2  thrpt   15   171.944 ±  
>> 0.667  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake     false           TLS  thrpt   15   169.383 ±  
>> 0.593  ops/s
>> Per the result, the session resumption performance for TLS 1.2 is about the 
>> same.  It is the expected result as there is no EC point multiplication 
>> involved for TLS 1.2 session resumption.  TLS 1.3 is different as EC key 
>> generation is involved in either initial handshake and session resumption.
>> **When EC key generation get involved (TLS 1.3 connections and TLS 1.2 
>> initial handshake), the performance improvement is about 35% for named group 
>> secp256r1 based TLS connections..**
>> ### Use default TLS named groups
>> The following are TLS benchmarking 
>> (test/micro/org/openjdk/bench/java/security/SSLHandshake.java) results by 
>> using key exchange algorithms in TLS connections.  In the current JDK 
>> implementation, the EC keys are generated for both secp256r1 and x25519 
>> curves, and x25519 is the preferred curves. 
>> Benchmark with this patch:
>> Benchmark                 (resume)  (tlsVersion)   Mode  Cnt     Score    
>> Error  Units
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake      true       TLSv1.2  thrpt   15  7620.615 ± 
>> 62.459  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake      true           TLS  thrpt   15   746.924 ±  
>> 6.549  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake     false       TLSv1.2  thrpt   15   456.066 ±  
>> 1.440  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake     false           TLS  thrpt   15   396.189 ±  
>> 2.275  ops/s
>> Benchmark before this patch applied:
>> Benchmark                 (resume)  (tlsVersion)   Mode  Cnt     Score    
>> Error  Units
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake      true       TLSv1.2  thrpt   15  7605.177 ± 
>> 55.961  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake      true           TLS  thrpt   15   544.333 ± 
>> 23.431  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake     false       TLSv1.2  thrpt   15   335.259 ±  
>> 1.926  ops/s
>> SSLHandshake.doHandshake     false           TLS  thrpt   15   269.422 ±  
>> 1.531  ops/s
>> Per the result, the session resumption performance for TLS 1.2 is about the 
>> same. It is the expected result as there is no EC point multiplication 
>> involved for TLS 1.2 session resumption. TLS 1.3 is different as EC key 
>> generation is involved in either initial handshake and session resumption.
>> **When EC key generation get involved (TLS 1.3 connections and TLS 1.2 
>> initial handshake), the performance improvement is about  36%~47% for 
>> default configuration based TLS connections.**
>> ## KeyPairGenerators.java benchmark
>> The following are EC key pair generation benchmark 
>> (test/micro/org/openjdk/bench/java/security/KeyPairGenerators.java) results.
>> Benchmark with this patch:
>> Benchmark                     (curveName)   Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  
>> Units
>> KeyPairGenerators.keyPairGen    secp256r1  thrpt   15  4638.623 ± 93.320  
>> ops/s
>> KeyPairGenerators.keyPairGen    secp384r1  thrpt   15   710.643 ±  6.404  
>> ops/s
>> KeyPairGenerators.keyPairGen    secp521r1  thrpt   15   371.417 ±  1.302  
>> ops/s
>> KeyPairGenerators.keyPairGen      Ed25519  thrpt   15  2355.491 ± 69.584  
>> ops/s
>> KeyPairGenerators.keyPairGen        Ed448  thrpt   15   682.144 ±  6.671  
>> ops/s
>> Benchmark before this patch applied:
>> Benchmark                     (curveName)   Mode  Cnt     Score    Error  
>> Units
>> KeyPairGenerators.keyPairGen    secp256r1  thrpt   15  1642.312 ± 52.155  
>> ops/s
>> KeyPairGenerators.keyPairGen    secp384r1  thrpt   15   687.669 ± 30.576  
>> ops/s
>> KeyPairGenerators.keyPairGen    secp521r1  thrpt   15   371.854 ±  1.736  
>> ops/s
>> KeyPairGenerators.keyPairGen      Ed25519  thrpt   15  2448.139 ±  7.788  
>> ops/s
>> KeyPairGenerators.keyPairGen        Ed448  thrpt   15   685.195 ±  4.994  
>> ops/s
>> **Per the result, the performance improvement is about 180% for key pair 
>> generation performance for secp256r1.**  Other curves should not be impacted 
>> as the point multiplication implementation for them is not updated yet.
>> ## Signatures.java benchmark
>> The following are EC key pair generation benchmark 
>> (test/micro/org/openjdk/bench/java/security/Signatures.java) results.
>> Benchmark with this patch:
>> Benchmark        (curveName)  (messageLength)   Mode  Cnt     Score    Error 
>>  Units
>> Signatures.sign    secp256r1               64  thrpt   15  3646.764 ± 28.633 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp256r1              512  thrpt   15  3595.674 ± 69.761 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp256r1             2048  thrpt   15  3633.184 ± 22.236 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp256r1            16384  thrpt   15  3481.104 ± 21.043 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp384r1               64  thrpt   15   631.036 ±  6.154 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp384r1              512  thrpt   15   633.485 ± 18.700 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp384r1             2048  thrpt   15   615.955 ±  4.598 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp384r1            16384  thrpt   15   627.193 ±  6.551 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp521r1               64  thrpt   15   303.849 ± 19.569 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp521r1              512  thrpt   15   308.676 ±  7.002 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp521r1             2048  thrpt   15   317.306 ±  0.327 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp521r1            16384  thrpt   15   312.579 ±  1.753 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign      Ed25519               64  thrpt   15  1192.428 ± 10.424 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign      Ed25519              512  thrpt   15  1185.397 ±  1.993 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign      Ed25519             2048  thrpt   15  1181.980 ±  2.963 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign      Ed25519            16384  thrpt   15  1105.737 ±  4.339 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign        Ed448               64  thrpt   15   332.501 ±  1.471 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign        Ed448              512  thrpt   15   324.770 ±  9.631 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign        Ed448             2048  thrpt   15   325.833 ±  1.602 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign        Ed448            16384  thrpt   15   313.231 ±  1.440 
>>  ops/s
>> Benchmark before this patch applied:
>> Benchmark        (curveName)  (messageLength)   Mode  Cnt     Score    Error 
>>  Units
>> Signatures.sign    secp256r1               64  thrpt   15  1515.924 ±  8.489 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp256r1              512  thrpt   15  1521.586 ±  7.726 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp256r1             2048  thrpt   15  1499.704 ±  9.704 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp256r1            16384  thrpt   15  1499.392 ±  8.832 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp384r1               64  thrpt   15   634.406 ±  8.328 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp384r1              512  thrpt   15   633.766 ± 11.965 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp384r1             2048  thrpt   15   634.608 ±  5.526 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp384r1            16384  thrpt   15   628.815 ±  3.756 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp521r1               64  thrpt   15   313.390 ±  9.728 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp521r1              512  thrpt   15   316.420 ±  2.817 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp521r1             2048  thrpt   15   307.386 ±  3.966 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign    secp521r1            16384  thrpt   15   315.384 ±  2.243 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign      Ed25519               64  thrpt   15  1187.227 ±  5.758 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign      Ed25519              512  thrpt   15  1189.044 ±  5.370 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign      Ed25519             2048  thrpt   15  1182.833 ± 13.186 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign      Ed25519            16384  thrpt   15  1099.599 ±  3.932 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign        Ed448               64  thrpt   15   331.810 ±  3.786 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign        Ed448              512  thrpt   15   332.885 ±  4.926 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign        Ed448             2048  thrpt   15   332.941 ±  4.292 
>>  ops/s
>> Signatures.sign        Ed448            16384  thrpt   15   318.226 ±  4.141 
>>  ops/s
>> **Per the result, the performance improvement is about 140% for signature 
>> performance for secp256r1.**  Other curves should not be impacted as the 
>> point multiplication implementation for them is not updated yet.
> Xue-Lei Andrew Fan has updated the pull request incrementally with one 
> additional commit since the last revision:
>   remove tailing whitespaces

Can you please wait a few days on integrating this? I would like @ferakocz 
and/or @mcpowers to also look at this.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10893

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