On Wed, 15 Mar 2023 14:51:49 GMT, Weijun Wang <wei...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> We would like to propose an implementation for the [JDK-8301553: Support 
>> Password-Based Cryptography in 
>> SunPKCS11](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8301553) enhancement 
>> requirement.
>> In addition to pursuing the requirement goals and guidelines of 
>> [JDK-8301553](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8301553), we want to share 
>> the following implementation notes (grouped per altered file):
>>   * 
>> ```src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/crypto/provider/HmacPKCS12PBECore.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * This file contains the ```SunJCE``` implementation for the [PKCS #12 
>> General Method for Password 
>> Integrity](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7292#appendix-B) 
>> algorithms. It has been modified with the intent of consolidating all 
>> parameter checks in a common file 
>> (```src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/util/PBEUtil.java```), that can 
>> be used both by ```SunJCE``` and ```SunPKCS11```. This change does not only 
>> serve the purpose of avoiding duplicated code but also ensuring alignment 
>> and compatibility between different implementations of the same algorithms. 
>> No changes have been made to parameter checks themselves.
>>     * The new ```PBEUtil::getPBAKeySpec``` method introduced for parameters 
>> checking takes both a ```Key``` and a ```AlgorithmParameterSpec``` instance 
>> (same as the ```HmacPKCS12PBECore::engineInit``` method), and returns a 
>> ```PBEKeySpec``` instance which consolidates all the data later required to 
>> proceed with the computation (password, salt and iteration count).
>>   * ```src/java.base/share/classes/com/sun/crypto/provider/PBES2Core.java``` 
>> (modified)
>>     * This file contains the ```SunJCE``` implementation for the [PKCS #5 
>> Password-Based Encryption 
>> Scheme](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8018#section-6.2) 
>> algorithms, which use PBKD2 algorithms underneath for key derivation. In the 
>> same spirit than for the ```HmacPKCS12PBECore``` case, we decided to 
>> consolidate common code for parameters validation and default values in a 
>> single file 
>> (```src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/util/PBEUtil.java```), that can 
>> serve both ```SunJCE``` and ```SunPKCS11``` and ensure compatibility. 
>> However, instead of a single static method at the implementation level (see 
>> ```PBEUtil::getPBAKeySpec```), we create an instance of an auxiliary class 
>> and invoke an instance method (```PBEUtil.PBES2Params::getPBEKeySpec```). 
>> The reason is to persist parameters data that has to be consistent between 
>> calls to ```PBES2Core::engineInit``` (in its multiple overloads) and 
>> ```PBES2Core::engineGetParameters```, given a single ```PBES2Core``` 
>> instance. I
 n particular, a call to any of these methods can potentially modify the state 
in an observable way by means of generating a random IV and a salt. Previous to 
the proposed patch, this data was persisted in the ```PBES2Core::ivSpec``` and 
```PBES2Core::salt``` instance fields. For compatibility purposes, we decided 
to preserve ```SunJCE```'s current behavior.
>>   * ```src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/util/PBEUtil.java``` (new 
>> file)
>>     * This utility file contains the PBE parameters checking routines and 
>> default values that are used by both ```SunJCE``` and ```SunPKCS11```. These 
>> routines are invoked from ```HmacPKCS12PBECore``` (```SunJCE```), 
>> ```PBES2Core``` (```SunJCE```), ```P11PBECipher``` (```SunPKCS11```) and 
>> ```P11Mac``` (```SunPKCS11```). As previously noted, the goals are to avoid 
>> duplicate code and to improve compatibility between different security 
>> providers that implement PBE algorithms.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/P11Cipher.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * An utility function to determine if the token is NSS is now called. 
>> This function is in a common utility class (```P11Util```) and invoked from 
>> ```P11Key``` and ```P11SecretKeyFactory``` too.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/P11Key.java``` 
>> (modified)
>>     * A new type of P11 key is introduced: ```P11PBEKey```. This new type 
>> represents a secret key that exists inside the token. Thus, this type 
>> inherits from ```P11SecretKey```. At the same time, this type holds data 
>> used for key derivation. Thus, this type implements the 
>> ```javax.crypto.interfaces.PBEKey``` interface. In addition to the 
>> conceptual modeling, there are practical advantages of identifying a key by 
>> this new ```P11PBEKey``` type and holding the data used for derivation: 1) 
>> if the key is used in another token (different than the one where it was 
>> originally derived), a new derivation must take place; 2) if the key is 
>> passed to a non-```SunPKCS11``` security provider, its key translation 
>> method might use derivation data to derive again; and, 3) it's possible to 
>> return the ```PBEKeySpec``` for the key (see for example 
>> ```P11SecretKeyFactory::engineGetKeySpec```).
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/P11Mac.java``` 
>> (modified)
>>     * We decided to integrate PBE algorithms to the existing ```P11Mac``` 
>> service because the changes required have a low impact on the existing code. 
>> When the ```P11Mac``` instance is created, we use the algorithm to get PBE 
>> key information (if available). Only PBE algorithms have this type of 
>> information. In the ```P11Mac::engineInit``` method, we now need to handle 
>> the PBE service case. In such case, if the key is a ```P11Key```, we check 
>> parameters and that the key implements ```javax.crypto.interfaces.PBEKey``` 
>> by calling ```PBEUtil::checkKeyParams```. In other words, the key has to be 
>> a ```P11PBEKey``` and the parameters used for its derivation must match the 
>> ones passed in the invocation to ```P11Mac::engineInit```. If the key is not 
>> a ```P11Key```, a PBE derivation is needed. As for the ```SunJCE``` case, we 
>> go through parameters processing in ```PBEUtil::getPBAKeySpec```.
>>     * There are two cases in which we need to call 
>> ```P11SecretKeyFactory::convertKey```. One is when the service is not PBE, 
>> as we did before the proposed change. In the PBE case, we must call this 
>> function because it might be possible that, if the key token is not the same 
>> than the service's token, a new key derivation is required.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/P11PBECipher.java```
>>  (new file)
>>     * Contrary to the ```P11Mac``` case, we decided to separate PBE 
>> ```Cipher``` from non-PBE ```Cipher``` in a different class. There is some 
>> additional complexity or gap between the two that we prefer to keep simple. 
>> A PBE ```Cipher``` uses a non-PBE ```Cipher``` service underneath and 
>> forwards most of its operations, but adds wrapping code to potentially 
>> derive keys during initialization (see ```P11PBECipher::engineInit```). The 
>> code associated to key derivation and parameters consistency checking is 
>> analogous to the one described for ```P11Mac```.
>>     * ```P11PBECipher``` has a ```P11PBECipher::engineGetParameters``` 
>> method which calls ```PBEUtil.PBES2Params::getAlgorithmParameters``` and can 
>> potentially initialize an IV and a salt with a random value, as explained in 
>> the comments for ```PBES2Core```.
>>     * A ```P11PBECipher``` service accepts PBE keys only.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/P11SecretKeyFactory.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * The first significant change to this class that we want to discuss is 
>> the introduction of the ```KeyInfo``` class and the refactoring of the 
>> previous ```keyTypes``` map. Previous to the proposed change, the key 
>> information that we needed to retain for key creation at the PKCS 
>> #&#x2060;11 level was simple: key algorithm -> PKCS #&#x2060;11 native key 
>> type. With PBE, we must consider not only the algorithm name and key type 
>> but also (depending on the case) the mechanism that has to be used for 
>> derivation, the underlying derivation function and the key length. As an 
>> example, to derive a key for the PBEWithHmacSHA512AndAES_256 algorithm, we 
>> need to know that this algorithm maps to a PKCS #&#x2060;11 derivation 
>> mechanism value of ```CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2```, a derivation function value of 
>> ```CKP_PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA512```, a derived key type of ```CKK_AES``` —so 
>> it can be used in an AES Cipher service— and a key length of 256 bits. A new 
>> hierarchy of classes to represent these diff
 erent entries on the mapping structure has been introduced (see ```KeyInfo```, 
```PBEKeyInfo```, ```AESPBEKeyInfo```, ```PBKDF2KeyInfo``` and 
```P12MacPBEKeyInfo```). The methods to add or find entries in the new map have 
been adjusted. The previous pseudo key types strategy (```HMAC```, 
```SSLMAC```), that allows any key type to be used in a HMAC service, has not 
been modified.
>>     * The second significant change to this class was in the 
>> ```P11SecretKeyFactory::convertKey``` method. When checking if a key can be 
>> used in a service —notice here that the service can be any of 
>> ```SecretKeyFactory```, ```Cipher``` or ```Mac```—, the following rules 
>> apply:
>>       * If the key algorithm matches the service algorithm, the use is 
>> allowed
>>       * If the key algorithm does not match the service algorithm and the 
>> service is not one of the pseudo types, further checks are needed. The 
>> ```KeyInfo``` structure for the key and service algorithms are obtained from 
>> the map and the ```KeyInfo::checkUse``` method is invoked. The following 
>> principles apply to make a decision: 1) PBE services require a 
>> ```javax.crypto.interfaces.PBEKey``` of the same algorithm —we cannot use an 
>> AES key, for example, in a PBEWithHmacSHA512AndAES_256 ```Cipher``` 
>> service—, 2) PBKD2 keys can be used on any service —there is no information 
>> about the key purpose to make a decision— and 3) keys can be used in a 
>> service if their underlying type match —as an example, a 
>> PBEWithHmacSHA512AndAES_256 PBE key has an underlying type of ```CKK_AES``` 
>> and can be used in an AES ```Cipher``` service—.
>>     * The third significant change to this class was the addition of the 
>> ```P11SecretKeyFactory::derivePBEKey``` function. This function does 
>> different checks and creates the PKCS #&#x2060;11 structures to make a 
>> native call to ```C_GenerateKey``` to derive the key. They key returned, in 
>> case of success, is of ```P11PBEKey``` type. It is worth mentioning that 
>> this function is the only path to invoke a native key derivation. It's used 
>> not only by the PBE ```P11SecretKeyFactory``` service but also by PBE 
>> ```Cipher``` and PBE ```Mac``` services when they need to derive a key.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/P11Util.java``` 
>> (modified)
>>     * Added some utility functions. One of them is 
>> ```P11Util::encodePassword``` which serves the purpose of encoding a 
>> password in a way that can go through native library truncation (OpenJDK) 
>> and reach the PKCS #&#x2060;11 API in the expected encoding. Password 
>> encoding must be UTF-8 for PKCS #&#x2060;5 v2.1 derivation and BMPString 
>> (UTF-16 big endian) for PKCS #&#x2060;12 v1.1 General Method for Password 
>> Integrity derivation. By avoiding a modification to the existing native 
>> ```jCharArrayToCKUTF8CharArray``` function (```p11_util.c```), we reduce the 
>> risk of breaking existing code.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/SunPKCS11.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * The new PBE algorithms are registered for ```SunPKCS11``` services. 
>> It's worth noting that there is an additional (and optional) 
>> ```requiredMechs``` array to specify a list of native mechanisms that must 
>> be available in the token for the service to be enabled. To explain the need 
>> for this structure, we will focus on the HmacPBESHA1 ```Mac``` service 
>> example. On the one hand, we require the ```CKM_SHA_1_HMAC``` mechanism to 
>> be available in the token because this is, ultimately, a SHA-1 HMAC 
>> operation. However, the ```CKM_PBA_SHA1_WITH_SHA1_HMAC``` mechanism must be 
>> available as well for the preceding PBE key derivation. In the PBKDF2 case, 
>> we leverage on this structure to require a mechanism associated to the 
>> derivation function. The assumption is that, for example, if the 
>> ```CKM_PKCS5_PBKD2``` and ```CKM_SHA_1_HMAC``` mechanisms are available, a 
>> PBKDF2 derivation using HMAC SHA-1 underneath will be available. In this 
>> case, the derivation function is represented by the ```CKP
 _PKCS5_PBKD2_HMAC_SHA1``` constant.
>>     * As mentioned in 
>> [JDK-8301553](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8301553), for some 
>> algorithms there isn't a PKCS #&#x2060;11 constant and we use the NSS 
>> vendor-specific one. This code can be easily be updated in the future if a 
>> constant is introduced to the standard. We don't know if that will ever 
>> happen as the newer PKCS #&#x2060;5 derivation for Mac (PBMAC1) might be 
>> considered in the future as a PKCS #&#x2060;12 integrity scheme replacement.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * Minor comment fix. This mistake was probably the result of using the 
>> ```CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS``` file as a template and forgetting to update the 
>> comment.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/CK_MECHANISM.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * New constructors for the ```CK_PBE_PARAMS```, 
>> ```CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS``` and ```CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS2``` structures that 
>> can be used along with a ```CK_MECHANISM```.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/CK_PBE_PARAMS.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * Some minor adjustments to comments and a constructor to make this 
>> class usable with the PKCS #&#x2060;12 General Method for Password Integrity 
>> derivation.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * Same than for ```CK_PBE_PARAMS```. It is worth noting that this 
>> structure is the one used in PKCS #&#x2060;11 revisions previous to v2.40 
>> Errata 01. Given that NSS has decided to keep using it —even when it's not 
>> compliant with the latest revisions of the v2.40 and v3.0 standards—, we 
>> make an exception for it.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS2.java```
>>  (new file)
>>     * The new structure for passing PBE parameters to the PKCS #&#x2060;11 
>> token in the PKCS #&#x2060;5 v2.1 derivation scheme.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/CK_X9_42_DH1_DERIVE_PARAMS.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * Same comment than for ```CK_ECDH1_DERIVE_PARAMS```.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/PKCS11.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * More visibility of major and minor versions of the PKCS #&#x2060;11 
>> standard implemented by a token is needed to decide between the 
>> ```CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS``` and ```CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS2``` structures.
>>   * 
>> ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/PKCS11Constants.java```
>>  (modified)
>>     * New constants added.
>>   * ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/native/libj2pkcs11/p11_convert.c``` 
>> (modified)
>>     * Adjustments made to work with the structures to pass parameters to the 
>> token for PBE derivation. It's worth noting that native PBKD2 parameter 
>> structures have a tag before the data so we can execute the correct logic to 
>> free up resources, once the operation is completed. This is how we 
>> differentiate a ```CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS``` from a 
>> ```CK_PKCS5_PBKD2_PARAMS2``` one.
>>   * ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/native/libj2pkcs11/p11_util.c``` 
>> (modified)
>>     * Adjustments to work with the new PBE parameter structures.
>>     * A bug affecting non-null Java arrays whose length is 0 and need to be 
>> converted to native PKCS #&#x2060;11 arrays has been fixed. For these 
>> arrays, it was possible that some platforms return ```NULL``` as a result of 
>> calling memory allocation functions when the size was 0 and an 
>> ```OutOfMemory``` exception was incorrectly thrown.
>>   * ```src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/native/libj2pkcs11/pkcs11wrapper.h``` 
>> (modified)
>>     * Native constants and structures added.
>> Test files
>>   * ```test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Cipher/PBECipher.java``` (new file)
>>     * Tests the PBE ```Cipher``` service in ```SunPKCS11```, cross-comparing 
>> results against ```SunJCE``` (if available) and static data.
>>     * The PBE ```Cipher``` service is tested with different types of keys: 
>> derived from data in a ```PBEParameterSpec```, derived with a 
>> ```SunPKCS11``` ```SecretKeyFactory``` service, derived from data in 
>> ```AlgorithmParameters``` and derived from data contained in a 
>> ```javax.crypto.interfaces.PBEKey``` instance.
>>   * ```test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ImportKeyToP12.java``` (new 
>> file)
>>     * Tests that, for several PBE algorithms, PKCS #&#x2060;12 key stores 
>> (with Privacy and Integrity) written using ```SunPKCS11``` underneath can be 
>> read using ```SunJCE``` underneath.
>>   * ```test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Mac/MacSameTest.java``` (modified)
>>     * This test was not expecting PBE services to be available in the 
>> ```SunPKCS11``` security provider, and needs to invoke a new function 
>> (```PKCS11Test::generateKey```) to generate a random key (password).
>>   * ```test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Mac/PBAMac.java``` (new file)
>>     * Similar to ```PBECipher``` but these are the possible types of keys: 
>> derived from data in a ```PBEParameterSpec```, derived with a 
>> ```SunPKCS11``` ```SecretKeyFactory``` service and derived from data 
>> contained in a ```javax.crypto.interfaces.PBEKey``` instance.
>>   * ```test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Mac/ReinitMac.java``` (modified)
>>     * Same issue fixed than for ```MacSameTest```.
>>   * ```test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/PKCS11Test.java``` (modified)
>>     * Functions to generate random keys or passwords for PBE and non-PBE 
>> algorithms.
>>   * ```test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/SecretKeyFactory/TestPBKD.java``` (new 
>> file)
>>     * In addition to testing derived keys for different algorithms against 
>> ```SunJCE``` and static assertion data, this test asserts: 1) different 
>> types of valid and invalid key conversions, and 2) invalid or inconsistent 
>> parameters passed for key derivation. Keys are derived with data contained 
>> in a ```PBEKeySpec``` or in a ```javax.crypto.interfaces.PBEKey``` instance.
>>     * Both an empty and a unicode password, containing a non-ASCII 
>> character, are used during this test.
>> Testing
>>   * No regressions have been observed in the ```jdk/sun/security/pkcs11``` 
>> category (```SunPKCS11```).
>>   * No regressions have been observed in the 
>> ```jdk/com/sun/crypto/provider``` category (```SunJCE```).
>>   * No regressions have been observed in the JDK Tier-1 category.
>>   * Anecdotally, a partial version of the proposed patch containing 
>> ```Cipher``` and ```Mac``` changes is shipped in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 
>> builds of OpenJDK 17 since November 2022, without any known issues at this 
>> moment.
>> This contribution is co-authored between @franferrax and @martinuy. We are 
>> both under the cover of the OCA agreement per our employer (Red Hat). We 
>> look forward to sharing this new feature for the benefit of the broad 
>> OpenJDK community and users.
> src/java.base/share/classes/sun/security/util/PBEUtil.java line 47:
>> 45: 
>> 46:     // Used by SunJCE and SunPKCS11
>> 47:     public final static class PBES2Params {
> This class confuses me. An instance is constructed without any parameter. The 
> method `getPBEKeySpec` is able to mutate it and return something, the method 
> `getAlgorithmParameters` is able to read the content and possibly mutate 
> again and return something, and finally another method `getIvSpec` is able to 
> return the content.
> Please either precisely document how these methods will be called and enforce 
> this rule with internal checks, or refactor it to something immutable.



PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12396

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