
I think you are way off base mate!! Here's some food
for thought:

1. US expertise remains a viable option especially for
international or multi-national firms in any country;

2. Given the above, the IT jobs are just as or more
challenging than in the USA because of:
2.1 Lack of experienced expertise in the IT field in
the native countries;
2.2 Interconnectivity to global networks;
2.3 Regulations or legislative requirements, or lack
thereof, in certain markets throughout EU (enter
security and controls);

3. It is within an employers best interest to make the
job interesting and challenging for an "expat" given
the cost to bring an "expat" to Market;

4. While I agree that many EU and non EU countries
give free education for their nationals, the graduates
lack the open market available in the USA thus
significantly decreasing their ability to gain
signigifant experience and expertise in the IT

5. Keep in mind also that there is "subsidy" if not
housing is taken care of by the employer thus making
overseas employment a more attractive and viable
option for expats/
Note: I use the "Expat" terminology as anyone that is
not a national can be considered an Expat.

6. Oh yes. as this is a security focused forum .....
the EU has a significant shortage of technical
expertise in this area. Although as time progresses
that will decrease. Who knows even you may be
considered an expert one day!!!

7. Here's one that will hit home: SPAIN is just now
getting "into" technology and I have seen many job
opportunities for "expats" in Spain, in and out of

8  ... Oh what the hell 1 though 4 is sufficient
enough to get my point across, and its' the weekend. I
guess you are wondering where I get my information ...
Well to be very honest, I am an expat ( to the USA no
doubt) but more importantly I travel extensively
throughout Europe for my employer, and as such get to
"see" the market FIRST HAND!!! Oh yes, I still speak
ONLY English and have been doing this for  ... let's
see now .. 10 or so years. But I am learning French
now though. .. who knows I just may pick up Spanish
Did you hear me?? Great.

Have a great weekend and don't be so sinister matey!! 

--- "Bruno G. San Alejo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     I may have some good advice here. If the job
> maket is tight in the 
> US, it's even tighter outside the US. I live in
> Spain, but got my 
> education in the US and worked there for a while. My
> advice is "Don't 
> come around here". IT Jobs are really low-paid and
> living expenses are 
> roughtly the same than in the US because of the Euro
> thing (1 Euro=1 
> Dollar). Job market is tighter in the US because
> people don't go abroad 
> since they don't speak any languages, and the
> schools here produce a lot 
> of graduates (and many people are educated at a M.S.
> level since almost 
> everybody can attend college here).  
>     And the most important thing, jobs around here
> are not, I repeat 
> NOT, as interesting as in the US. Most IT jobs here
> are the equivalent 
> of working in McDonnals even if you graduated in a
> French cooking school.
> m0use wrote:
> >I'm wondering about the opportunities for Americans
> in other countries,
> >Iraq in particular.  Yes Iraq!  Not that I really
> want to move to Iraq
> >but I see Iraq as a country in need of
> infrastructure or soon to be. 
> >Are there companies trying to hire good IT people
> in Iraq, I haven't
> >seen many postings and wondered if anyone else had.
> I would think they
> >would hae to pay VERY well to get experienced
> people to go to Iraq, and
> >with the job market being what it is, this might be
> a worthwhile
> >opportunity for some.  Having never worked outside
> the US I wonder how
> >hard it would be to get a company to sponsor a US
> citizen to work in the
> >Middle east or other countries with a drastic need
> for experienced
> >people.  Anyone have any insight? Or links to job
> searches for the
> >middle east?
> >
> >--
> >m0use
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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