On 13 Apr 2000, 22:59, Timothy Schoon wrote:

> Now that I'm back after the move, I'm exhausted and ready for bed. There
> was a couple of apps I was going to look for but since I'm in Eastern
> Time now it's bedtime, so I need your help.


I think Laura has you covered on the first three.  On the last one I 
wanted to make some alternate suggestions:

> 4) A UUencoder and Decoder (This is the known repeat, I think) 
> It would be useful for #4 to work with Juno, but not necessary.




Microsoft's Win98 "uucode.exe" product (that ain't easy to come by):

ftp://ftp.ashlist.org/uucode.exe    (48K)


I've got wincode on my drive, too, but I have not uploaded it to the 
ASHLists anon ftp site yet.  Will soon.


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