On 30 Jun 2000, 18:51, Vicki wrote:

> Does anyone know where I can find the origin of the word "la-dee-dah"?
> I've tried a number of word pages, using a variety of spellings...
> ladida ladeeda ladeedah latida lateeda lateedah ladidah
> A friend claims the expression is derived from the name of a tennis
> player.  Anyone know about this?

According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:


Main Entry: la-di-da
Pronunciation: "lä-dE-'dä
Variant(s): also la-de-da
Function: adjective
Etymology: perhaps alteration of lardy-dardy foppish
Date: 1883
: affectedly refined in manners or tastes : PRETENTIOUS, ELEGANT

Then again, I've seen a lot of tennis players act la-di-da. <g>


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