I need help! I need to find info on Canada.  If someone can help me find
some web pages with Canadian info I would really appreciate it. Anything
would help but a fact page would be wonderful. I have listed the questions I
need answers to below so you all have an idea of what I am looking for. I
have done search after search and can't find the info I need. Thanks in
advance for any help you can give me.


1.What is Canada's national anthem?

2.When did it become Canada's national anthem?

3.The Canadian 25 cent piece (quarter) has a picture of a moose on the back
of it  This is the official animal of Canada?
True or False

4. Canada became an independent nation in:
A.  1667
B.  1867
C.  1907

5.What is the official sport of Canada?  (trick question)

6.How many Provinces are there in Canada?

7.Name five of them

9.Name 3 Canadian female singers

10.What are the two official languages?

11.When do Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving?

12.If Americans watch Monday night football, what sporting show do Canadians
watch and what night? (exact name of the show)

13.What is a touque?

14.Canada has how many time zones:
A.  4
B.  5
C.  6

15.Name 5 Canadian actors or actresses

16.If it is zero degrees outside in Canada, how cold is that?

17.What is Tim Horton's?

18.McDonald's in Canada serves Moose Burgers-True or False

19.Name one player in the NFL presently who used to play in the CFL but you
can't use Doug Flutie?

20.How many territories are there in Canada? (trick question)

21.What is the capital of Canada?

22.Canada has had a female Prime Minister: True or False

23.What is the CBC?

24. What countries neigbour Canada?  (here is a hint, there are four)

25What is strange about a Canadian dollar?

26.How do Canadians pronounce this letter? - "Z"

27.Name 2 Canadian authors

28.There is a city called Moosejaw: True or False

29.Name 1 Canadian sports hero that isn't a hockey player -Has to be born in

30. What is the abbreviation for the National Police force?

31.If you are driving 100 in Canada, how fast are you going?

32. What is at least one difference between Canadian Football and American

33. What is Canadian Tire?

34.Who is the present Prime Minister of Canada?

35.What colours are on the Canadian flag?

36.What is a chesterfield?

37.What is the nickname of the Canadian 1 and 2 dollar

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