I 100% agree with everything you said Alan! 
By doing it yourself..there's little chance of mistake and you get to choose the 
best...and you gain some good experience and knowledge about advertising. (For the 
generalist, that adds yet ANOTHER paragraph for your wicked cool resume.

Okay, before I give you a couple of services, I just want to say that > experience has 
taught me that doing this yourself is better than 
> letting a free service or software submit your sites to the search > engines.  I 
>have a list of about 9 search engines that I submit to and 
> I just go down the line.  I can register a site at those 9 search > engines in about 
>10 minutes.  I do AltaVista, Google, Excite, > Go/Infoseek, Lycos, Hotbot, Fast (All 
>the Web), Northern Light, and > Direct Hit. > 
> Alan


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