On 10 Jul 2000, 14:39, KBryan wrote:

> Where would one go if one needed some information about filing
> complaints on large businesses? WHat about filing a complaint on a
> business that noone would dare file a complaint upon such as the power
> company or the electric company? I have The Better Business Bureau info
> already, but what other resources are available (in list form maybe?)
> regarding comsumer resources?

Generally, in complaining about your public utilities, there are state 
agencies for that.  Many states have Public Utility Commissions or 
Public Service Commissions and that would be the agency with which you 
would register your complaint against an electric company.  A few 
states even have Consumer Utility Boards that will help you resolve any 
complaints you have against your local utility.

So what state are you from?  


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