Is your Pagis called Pagis Pro 2.0?  If so, are you sure your company
did not get a manual with it? I have Pagis Pro 2.0 though I haven't
begun using it yet.  Can't seem to find the time to study the very long
manual (about 200 pages) that came with it. If you didn't get a manual,
perhaps you would want to call or write the company and ask them to send
you one. Wish I could help you.  Ann Parker 

Anthony Divjak wrote:
> Hi to all!
> I have question? My company installed a program called "Pagis" on our work
> computers. It  basicaly acts as a data base of various parts schematics
> which in itself is fine for most people but I for one would like to know
> more about.
> For example how to search it's files in short cut , going directly to a
> certain file that I would type in rather than by "scrolling". Where would I
> find more about it, since it is pretty sparse in read me file provided.
> Anthony

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