----- Original Message -----
From: "patricia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "patricia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 3:57 AM
Subject: [SaF] audio and 900 line how to ???

> Hi to all,
> I noticed on a pet cemetery page the other day that they also offered pet
> bereavement counseling via a
> 900 line with a per minute charge...
> that got me to thinking about something else and leads me here to my
> favorite  *how to*  source...
> question is:
>  1. How does one find the company that gives one a
> 900 line to use ?
> and if the purpose of having the 900 line were for
> consumers to be able to access a selection of
> audio cassettes on different subjects,  HOW
> would one find the equipment necessary to house/store/play the audio
> cassettes ?
Your host (similar to a web host) would own most of that equipment, the way
most of them are set up. You could do it yourself with a digital answering
machine on a pc with a large hard drive, but you would need to make sure
that your customers are not going to get busy signals. The advantages of
using a service provider is that they have plenty of rollover on their lines
to keep the phones clear. If you are looking for any consulting help, I can
recommend a 900 number expert who can give you a good start. Have you
thought about doing this over the Internet. You would need to find a host
that had a Real Server account for you. I have yet to set one up myself, but
if you need any assistance please let me know. I am starting up a web
business and am more than willing to help anyone else just starting out.
> I'm sure there is probably a more efficient manner
> of information (audio text) to be stored than on
> a cassette tape -- what would some of those
> options be ?    equipment needs?
Yes, tape has rewind time. Tape is also subject to much physical abuse. That
is why answering machines are turning to solid state memory (digital) as are
audio players from walkman to mp3 players. A cd-jukebox might not be fast
enough to seek the right disk before your customer hung up, but certainly a
digital recorder is what they use for voice mail. How long are the sound
> to anyone that wishes to respond please
> if possible also cc. a copy directly to my
> private eMail box so that I am sure to see it...
>    my private eMail :   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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