On 10 Dec 2000, 15:57, anthony divjak wrote:

> I am one of those people that would somethime like to know whether my
> last post has been read by recipient, in this case (a stuborn
> girlfriend) a future ex. Any help on that one, I am most certainly not
> interested in spamming, any one. 

The next time you send your girlfriend an email from your Outlook 
Express, from the top menu select:

Tools | Request Read Receipt

That is not a guarantee that you would receive a receipt of her reading 
your message, but if her email program is set up to receive that type 
of request and respond to it, then you will get acknowledgement of her 
reading the message.

> The other reason that I ask, is when I recently send a greating card
> I got an option of confirmation, which worked well. Thanks on any
> ideas, by the way, a great list, I am learning a loot! Anthony 

You might also visit the follow site and try it out for your needs:



I hope that you will always remember that in email you should try to 
respect your recipient's privacy as you would wish them to respect 
yours.  I learned long ago to just accept the fact that correspondents 
may just wish to stop writing me and to let them go.  



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