On 23 Jan 2001, 17:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> With the US presidential contest now history, I would like to locate any
> scholarly research into the possibility of "none of the above" as an
> option in elections of this or compareable gravity.
> My hunch on this, is that your likely sources will include some of
> the major US universities, and at least one political "think tank".

I don't believe we would find many academic research studies on this 
topic, but there are plenty of editorials written around the country 
from time to time.  Here is an example:


The first reference in that editorial mentions a Richard Pryor movie, 
called Brewster's Million.  You might want to rent that video at your 
local store.  I think the movie illustrates that the concept is mostly 
a joke in American society despite Alan Shugart's real attempt that the 
article addresses.

Here is another editorial in the same vein:


Here is a Letter to the Editor, editorial:



The academic research you actually seek, Bob, is that of "Voter 
Apathy."  I think we could find much on that subject.  Here is one 


Load your favorite search engine, Bob, and key "voter apathy."  I think 
you will find several good sites to enlighten you.

The one thing I think you will come away with, is that if a person is 
apathetic about voting, then a ballot entry of "None of the Above" 
probably won't stir them to the polls.


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