Thanks for the assistance on the cell phone question.  The sites I was given 
look they have a lot of information and should keep my busy comparing until 
my present phone dies. <grin>

Now on to a new query.  This one actually comes from my sister and I 
thought this might be a good place to start my research.

She is 62 and wants to retire.  Her youngest child is severely disabled and 
lives in a group home - she is in a wheelchair, wears diapers, and requires 
total care.  

My sister would like to retire to Guadalajara the Lake Chapala area in 
Mexico as she has found she can retire there and afford to live.  The kicker is 
Brenda.  Either there would have to be some sort of good group home there 
for her to be in (she's in her middle 20's) or some sort of supportive services 
at home as my sister can't lift her daughter.  

Anyone have contacts in this part of Mexico or have some good getting 
started ideas?

Thanks in advance for putting on your thinking caps.

Marsha G. 

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