At 10:31 AM 2/12/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Morning All Finders and Seekers!
>Does anyone have any ideas/opinions on what would be a descent-priced and
>safe hotel to crash at for 24 hours on a layover in San Antonio?


One nice one, steeped in history and tradition is the Menger... it's 
immediately next to the Alamo.

You can walk the famous Riverwalk for restaurants and gift shopping... and, 
you must try the little boat rides at least once... everyone does it at 
least once! All this is within easy walking distance of the Menger... 
And... don't forget the Alamo!! The only thing... not sure what "decent 
priced" means... the Menger will set you back about $80 per night (this is 
"off season")... just give them a call. The prices seem to be different 
than the www pages suggest. At least it was for me a few weeks back. And 
ooops... just noticed your subject line "near the airport"... the Menger is 
downtown, but well worth the fifteen (+/-) minute ride. If you have a free 
couple of hours, ya just gotta do the Riverwalk and Alamo! Anything else 
near the airport is, well, like staying near an airport...

And.. bring your coat this week...

Austin, Texas

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