On Feb 16, Sajeev Cholayil wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>I get some mail in my hotmail inbox informing about earning money by
>stuffing envelopes working from home in any country. But I need to send them
>some $s first. I have read a Sherlock Holmes story on such a job. Such
>offers fall on the same line?

Sajeev, such things are always a scam, period. You can't possibly make
money doing that, and you should never trust a scam like that that
arrives as spam in your Hotmail box.

If you reply to that, all you face is more and more and more spam, and
even if they do reply, your money will be taken at best and you'll have
nothing but an emptier wallet and a mailbox overflowing with the rawest,
sleaziest spam on the planet. That, and you'll make every "sucker list"
on Earth.

Don't get ripped off Sajeev, just delete it. It's better that way.


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