On 19 Feb 2001, 6:53, patricia wrote:

> I realllllly need to get copies of an article and picture that
> as in the Boston Globe sometime within the past 21 days...
> I think it was about 2 weeks ago...
> It was an article about the Lexington, Mass.  Historical
> Society Archives and there was a picture of 4 people standing
> around a document...
> I must have this... Is there anyone out there that lives in
> Boston and has a copy or can get a copy ?
> If anyone know how I could get 10 originals of that
> article and picture I would be eternally greatful...
> I tried the website and couldn't find the article... 
>     http://www.boston.com/globe/
> and didn't get a respons to the eMail  I sent  the Globe...

The article you wish comes up in a search at The Globe site, but when I 
click on that link, I get an error.  Either the article was removed or 
moved.  I have written to the Globe and if I get a response, I'll 
report back to you.

You do understand there is a charge for reading articles at this site?


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