I don't have terribly HSA either, but....  you know.  

That's the point I was trying to make to a buddy of mine -- RE: "if you
had Metallica files labeled Mozart's 5th symphony - they'd show up."  But
the searcher would have to KNOW that Metallica was all renamed Mozart. 
And odd thing is, all you have to do is make all your files unsearchable,
and no one could "prove" anything. Right?  The next step for the users is
going to be to request from owners a zip of the files they want, but do it
via an email request, or some other clandestine query. It's just too sad
of a proposition -- I already own the music I want to download, but it's
on cassette or vinyl, and to use a male to male plug and record as a wav,
then encode to MP3 is just tooooooo much work to hear the music I already
paid for in the past.  And I know that's not what the hubbub is all about,
but there are those of us out here who HAVE paid for the music  :o(

In a message dated 3/6/01 9:56:55 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> I don't think Napster is saying anything yet. >  I am personally not
> sure 
if such a scheme will work as from what I've > observed - Napster is based
on file names not contents. So if you had > Metallica files labelled
Mozart's 5th symphony - they'd show up. >  >  I observed on Saturday on a
friend's machine (I don't have napster, do not 
 have high speed access at home) Metallica files showing up in searches
anyway.  I don't know what happens if you try to download them.

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