Hello Daniel,

don't  you confuse the "delivery confirmation" and
"reading  confirmation" features?

The first one is automatically sent in seconds by,
e.g.,  MAILER-DAEMON and other server software, so
no annoyance. Look at this:

"Saturday,    June    11,   2005,   12:20:06   PM,
message  to  thefollowing address was successfully
delivered.     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"     [addresses
changed, not the date]

Though the person in guestion may be miles away.

In  addition, sometimes there are occasions when I
send  a  business  email  but  the people for some
reason  do not receive it - probably because of my
software  problems.  In  this  event the "delivery
confirmation"  is  quite useful for me, it lets me
know that I sent it really successfully.

Algis L.


Sunday,   March  04,  2001,  11:57:52  PM,  Daniel
Quackenbush wrote:

DQ> I  hate  these  things. I usually ignore email
DQ> that  asks me to confirm that it is read. Only
DQ> if I know who you are, will I bother to answer
DQ> this  "return  receipt"  email. Even then, the
DQ> receipt feature is an annoyance.

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