This is an oldie but goodie that I just stumbled onto an answer...

From: A.M. Holm 
Subject: [SaF] Database Search Program 
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 09:30:17 -0800 


> Hi all,
> I seem to be spending a lot of time pouring over online databases [of
> CD recordings for example :>( ] and using the "Find in Page" facility
> in Netscape but there must be a better way to do it.  
> Does anyone know of a programme that has just a few more bells and
> whistles than "Find in Page" they could recommend?  
> A - still in pursuit in Canada

I just came upon a shareware program called "SurfSaver" that lets you 
save web pages in organized folders and it has a search tool to 
search through those pages.  I think you could collect several pages 
and then search the entire folder.  Check it out, Holm, and see if it 
would be to your interest:


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