Hello Everyone. :-)

I found these letters in this morning's Dear Abby and I thought I 
would share them all with you:

---first letter---

Dear Abby,

I keep sending messages to the SeeknFind mailing list but I never see 
them distributed.  Is there something wrong with the majordumbo?


Mary Hadda Lillamb

Dear Mary,

The most common cause of your message not being distributed on the 
SeeknFind list is that you tried to post to the list using the 
dreaded HTML-mail.  That is a no-no on the SeeknFind list.  Re-post 
your message in plain text and that should get it out for everyone to 
see.  See?

---second letter---

Dear Abby,

I've been trying and trying to post to the SeeknFind list but I never 
see the message come back to me.  I am positive I am posting in plain 
text without any attachments.  So what might the problem be?

I don't wish to give my real name so I'll just sign it...


Moe Mentous

Dear Moe,

If you are posting to the SeeknFind list in plain text then the 
probable reason your message is not being distributed is that you are 
attempting to post to the list with an address to which you are not 
subscribed to the list.  You must post to the SeeknFind list from the 
address to which you are subscribed.

---third letter---

Dear Abby,

I can't take it anymore, I tell ya!!!  The many messages from the 
SeeknFind list are driving me crazy, but I don't want to unsubscribe. 
Is there anything that can give me relief?  


Ozzie and Harried

Dear Oz. :

Relax.  Relief is only an autoresponder away.  Send a blank message 
to this address:


Read the instructions and then live hippily ever laughter.

---fourth letter---

Dear Abby,

I hate the SeeknFind list.  I hate it, I tell you.  Hate, hate, hate!
The listowner is a certifiable nut!  How do I get off this turkey 
list?  I...er...lost my Welcome letter.


Ira Sponsible

Dear Ira,

Shame on you for losing your Welcome Letter.  That letter gave you 
instructions on how to unsubscribe from the SeeknFind list.  By all 
rights, the listowner should just let you stew on his list.  But 
since I take pity on you I will give you the instructions to 

(1) At midnight tonight, take a potato out to the middle of your back 
yard and bury it 15 feet in the ground.

(2) Return to your computer and login to this web site:


(3) Bookmark that site because after you have unsubscribed, you will 
have to do your own searching. 

(4) Now compose an email message addressed to:


...and carefully type in the body of the message:

unsubscribe seeknfind

Send it.

(5) You will then be unsubscribed from the SeeknFind list (we hope).  
The next morning you can go out to the backyard and dig up the 
potato.  You can then wash the potato and cook it for your supper.

---end Dear Abby---

Okay members, I hope you enjoyed those Dear Abby letters.  I confess 
I was quite surprised and elated that Abby gave me that wonderful 
publicity.  I feel like I should return the flavor - tastewise, so I 
will let you all know that you can subscribe to the ubiquitous Dear 
Abby by email by visiting any of these sites:





Thank you. :-)


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