----- Original Message -----
From: Alan S. Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> If you have the room on your drive. <

I do *NOW.*   But I understand.

>What if you don't own a computer, but you have to use other computer
stations such as libraries, cyber cafes, or employer workstations, that only
come with bare bones devices? <

Don't *OWN* a computer?  Surely you jest!?  ::snicker::

> Also, consider this...our hard drives operate at a greater speed than even
the fastest CD ROM players on the market.  For some apps, it might be
desirable to run the app from the disk drive rather than the CD ROM drive.
And if you use a Notebook, less battery energy would be required to run the
app from a virtual cd drive than from the actual CD ROM drive.  They can
even travel without the added weight of an external cd-rom by using the
virtual cd emulator.

Or the added weight of the 3 back up batteries you carry in the case as
well!  UGH!  What a great concept!  I think that has been the best "what if"
description yet. And I totally "get" it now.

So the origianl Q was: Were is there a free/shareware/payware version of
such software? Did I miss the answer or did I just get too lost in grappling
with the comprehension to have seen the answer?  (I deleted all my old mail
.. oops)


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