Hi Rod, we fixed some of the problems which show up when compiling on mac last year, can you copy the attached file to your LIB folder and try again? I think you will get some other errors, please let me know what these are and I may have to send another few files. This should fix the first problem. The second should be resolved when LIB all compiles and you get the seisan.a. Cheers, Lars
On 26/08/2019 17.16, Roderick Stewart
Haa anyone had success compiling seisan on Macos Mojave? -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lars Ottemöller Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Norway web http://folk.uib.no/lot081 email lars.ottemol...@geo.uib.no phone +47-5558 2616 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
c************************************************************** c subroutine to find travel times for a given offset using a c gradient model. Inputs are the same as for dtdx2 c Presently, the routine only calculates the minimum c travel time, regardless of ptype c Refraction can also only occur in the bottom (half-space) c layer c no phase ID is returned in phsid c c Barry Lienert June 1998 c c changes c c sep 98 by jh : ----------- seisan version 7.0 check ---------------- c no changes c c oct 28 99 bmt : linux changed, save and * c nov 19 99 jh : nl and parm in common block c may 15 00 jh : fix bugs cause by above c subroutine dtdxg(xh,x0,ptype,nmoho,nconrad,iulst,tmin, &delta,ann,iflag,phsid) save include 'hypparm.inc' character*1 ptype character*8 phsid c dimension dcrit(200),z(200),grad(200),vr(200) dimension dcrit(nlayer),z(nlayer),grad(nlayer),vr(nlayer) ! lo 16/9/2018 c data pi2/1.57079/ data pi2/1.57079633/ c get epicentral distance from event to station call delaz(x0(2),x0(1),delta,dedeg,azz0,xh(2),xh(1)) delta=abs(delta) c calculate needed parameters nn=nl*2-1 n_layer=nl c n_layer=(nn+1)/2 ! nov 19 jh n_iter=20 !# iterations to find delta phi_incr=.001 !slowness increment in iterations sum=0.0 do i=1,n_layer cx v(i)=parm(i) !layer velocity cx d(i)=parm(nl+i) !layer thickness z(i)=sum !layer depth sum=sum+parm(n_layer+i) end do z_hypo=xh(3) c find n_hypo, the layer that the hypocenter is in n_hypo=n_layer do i=1,n_layer-1 d(i)=z(i+1)-z(i) vr(i)=v(i+1)/v(i) grad(i)=(v(i+1)-v(i))/d(i) if(z(i).le.z_hypo)n_hypo=i end do c now find v_hypo if(n_hypo.lt.n_layer)then v_hypo=v(n_hypo)+grad(n_hypo)*(z_hypo-z(n_hypo)) else v_hypo=v(n_layer) endif c find v_max, max vel above hypocenter v_max=0.0 do i=1,n_hypo if(v(i).gt.v_max)v_max=v(i) end do if(delta.gt.0.0)then c find the critical distance, dcrt & time, tcrt pcrit=1./v(n_layer) phi=2.*pi2-asin(pcrit*v(n_hypo)) call ttcal(n_layer,v,z,d,vr,grad,z_hypo,pcrit,phi,dcrt,tcrt, & n_hypo,v_hypo,v_max,iflagd) c extend the travel time from dcrt to delta using v(n_layer) if(delta.ge.dcrt)then tmin=tcrt+(delta-dcrt)/v(n_layer) iflagd=1 return endif c find p for the ray that exits the hypocenter layer at a c horizontal offset delta (see Lee & Stewart, 1981, p 93) eta=z_hypo-z(n_hypo) xc=0.5*(delta*delta-2.*eta*v(n_hypo)/grad(n_hypo)-eta*eta)/delta c zc=v(1)*d(1)/(v(2)-v(1)) zc=v(n_hypo)/grad(n_hypo) c phi is the ray direction measured clockwise from the upward vertical phi=atan2(-zc-eta,-xc) p=abs(sin(phi))/v(n_hypo) c phi=atan(2.*zc/delta) else c zero delta case phi=2.*pi2 p=0.0 if(z_hypo.eq.0.0)then tmin=0.0 return endif endif if(z_hypo.ne.0.0)then if(delta.eq.0.0)then call ttcal(n_layer,v,z,d,vr,grad,z_hypo,p,phi,dist,tmin, & n_hypo,v_hypo,v_max,iflagd) c p=0: don't need to iterate here return else c try a ray at the p calculated to make the ray leave the c hypocenter layer at distance delta phi0=phi p0=p call ttcal(n_layer,v,z,d,vr,grad,z_hypo,p,phi,dist,tmin, & n_hypo,v_hypo,v_max,iflagd) c ray did not come out: try smaller phi's if(iflagd.eq.0)then itr=0 phi=phi0 do while(iflagd.eq.0.and.itr.lt.n_iter) phi=phi-phi_incr p=abs(sin(phi))/v(n_hypo) call ttcal(n_layer,v,z,d,vr,grad,z_hypo,p,phi,dist,tmin, & n_hypo,v_hypo,v_max,iflagd) itr=itr+1 end do if(iflagd.eq.0)then !try other direction itr=0 phi=phi0 do while(iflagd.eq.0.and.itr.lt.niter) phi=phi+phi_incr p=abs(sin(phi))/v(n_hypo) call ttcal(n_layer,v,z,d,vr,grad,z_hypo,p,phi,dist,tmin, & n_hypo,v_hypo,v_max,iflagd) itr=itr+1 end do endif else c dist0=dist phi=phi0 do while(iflagd.eq.0.and.itr.lt.niter) phi=phi-phi_incr p=abs(sin(phi))/v(n_hypo) call ttcal(n_layer,v,z,d,vr,grad,z_hypo,p,phi,dist,tmin, & n_hypo,v_hypo,v_max,iflagd) c write(iulst,'(3f12.4)')delta,dist0,dist end do if(iflagd.eq.0)then do while(iflagd.eq.0.and.itr.lt.niter) phi=phi+phi_incr p=abs(sin(phi))/v(n_hypo) call ttcal(n_layer,v,z,d,vr,grad,z_hypo,p,phi,dist,tmin, & n_hypo,v_hypo,v_max,iflagd) end do endif itr=0 do while (abs(dist-delta).gt.0.01.and.itr.lt.niter) if(dist.ne.dist0)then slope=(phi-phi0)/(dist-dist0) if(slope.gt..1)slope=.1 if(slope.lt.-.1)slope=-.1 endif phi0=phi p0=p phi=phi0+slope*(delta-dist) p=abs(sin(phi))/v(n_hypo) dist0=dist call ttcal(n_layer,v,z,d,vr,grad,z_hypo,p,phi,dist, & tmin,n_hypo,v_hypo,v_max,iflagd) c write(iulst,'(i3,4f10.4)')itr,p,phi,dist0,dist itr=itr+1 end do endif endif else call ttcal(n_layer,v,z,d,vr,grad,z_hypo,p,phi,dist,tmin,n_hypo, & v_hypo,v_max,iflagd) endif c write(iulst,*)p,delta,dist,itr return end c******************************************************************** c calculates distance and travel time as a function of ray parameter c for a gradient model c modified from Fred Klein's TTCAL routine by Barry Lienert, June 98 c******************************************************************** subroutine ttcal(n_layer,v,z,d,vr,grad,z_hypo,p,phi,dist,tp, & n_hypo,v_hypo,v_max,iflagd) c Inputs: n_layer=number of layers in velocity model c v(i)=velocities in km/s c z(i)=layer top positions in km c z_hypo=hypocentral depth in km c p=ray parameter in s/km c c Outputs: dist=delta in km c tp=travel time in s c iflagd=1 for valid arrival, zero otherwise c save c parameter (maxlayer=200) parameter (maxlayer=150) ! lo match hypparm.inc maxlayer 16/9/2018 real cp(maxlayer),vr(maxlayer) real v(maxlayer),z(maxlayer),d(maxlayer),grad(maxlayer) c data pi2/1.57079/ data pi2/1.57079633/ c--case of a ray travelling straight up (p=0) if(p.eq.0.0)then phid=0. dist=0. tp=(z_hypo-z(n_hypo))/v(n_hypo) if (grad(n_hypo).ne.0.)then tp=alog(v_hypo/v(n_hypo))/grad(n_hypo) endif if (n_hypo.gt.1)then do i=1,n_hypo-1 temp=d(i)/v(i) if (grad(i).ne.0.) temp=alog(vr(i))/grad(i) tp=tp+temp end do endif tr=tp iflagd=1 return endif c sph is sin(phi) where phi is angle at which ray leaves the hypocenter sph=sin(phi) cph=cos(phi) p=sph/v_hypo c case of no upward ray if(p.ge.1./v_hypo)then tp=-1. dist=-1. iflagd=0 return endif c vb is the bottoming velocity vb=1./p c--n_bottom is the layer in which downgoing ray bottoms n_bottom=1 do while (v(n_bottom+1).lt. vb.and.n_bottom.lt.n_layer) n_bottom=n_bottom+1 end do c--calc depth at ray bottom, zb zb=z(n_bottom) if (grad(n_bottom).ne.0.) zb=zb+(vb-v(n_bottom))/grad(n_bottom) c++++++++++++ ray lost to waveguide ++++++++++++ c--now have case of ray going into waveguide formed by a lvz c--flag the nonexistent time and dist for this case if (vb.le.v_max .and. v_hypo.lt.v_max)then tp=-1. dp=-1. tr=-1. n_bottom=0 iflagd=0 return endif c++++++++++++ calculate time and distance ++++++++++++ c--calc t and d since it is valid to do so. consider all 3 cases: c 1 ray nearly horiz in layer of zero gradient c 2 upgoing ray c 3 downgoing ray c--for each term must consider zero and non-zero gradients as sep cases c--case 1. nearly horiz non-curving ray+++++++++++ if (grad(n_hypo).eq.0..and.phi.le.0.001)then c--set dist to be some arbitrary but large no dist=100000. tp=100000./v(n_hypo) iflagd=1 return endif c--case 2. upgoing ray+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c if (phi.le.pi2+.0005)then if (phi.le.pi2)then c--calc cosines of emergence angles at each interface ss=1.0 if(phi.gt.pi2.and.phi.le.2.*pi2)ss=-1. if(phi.gt.2.*pi2.and.phi.le.3.*pi2)ss=-1. if(phi.gt.3.*pi2.and.phi.le.4.*pi2)ss=1. do i=1,n_hypo cp(i)=ss*sqrt(abs(1.-(v(i)*p)**2)) end do c--contribution to tp and dist of layer in which hypo lies if (grad(n_hypo).gt.0.)then dist=(cp(n_hypo)-cph)/(p*grad(n_hypo)) if(cph.gt.-1.0)then tp=alog(v_hypo*(1.+cp(n_hypo))/(v(n_hypo) & *(1.+cph)))/grad(n_hypo) else tmin=-1.0 dist=-1.0 iflagd=0 return endif else dist=(z_hypo-z(n_hypo))*sph/cph tp=(z_hypo-z(n_hypo))/(cph*v_hypo) endif c--add contributions from layers above hypo if (n_hypo.gt.1)then do i=1,n_hypo-1 if (grad(i).gt.0.)then dist=dist+(cp(i)-cp(i+1))/(p*grad(i)) tp=tp+alog(vr(i)*(1.+cp(i))/(1.+cp(i+1)))/grad(i) else dist=dist+d(i)*p*v(i)/cp(i) tp=tp+d(i)/(cp(i)*v(i)) endif end do endif iflagd=1 return else c case 3 downgoing ray +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c--calc cosines of emergence angles at layer interfaces do i=1,n_bottom cp(i)=sqrt(1.-(v(i)*p)**2) end do c--contribution to t and d from layer in which ray bottoms if (grad(n_bottom).gt.0.)then dist=2.*cp(n_bottom)/(p*grad(n_bottom)) tp=2.*alog((1.+cp(n_bottom))/(v(n_bottom)*p))/grad(n_bottom) else c--a ray can't bottom in a homogeneous layer c--if this case should arise, reflect ray from top of the layer dist=0. tp=0. endif c--subtract contribution from path immed above hypo in its layer if (grad(n_hypo).gt.0.)then dist=dist-(cp(n_hypo)-cph)/(p*grad(n_hypo)) tp=tp-alog(v_hypo*(1.+cp(n_hypo))/(v(n_hypo) & *(1.+cph)))/grad(n_hypo) else dist=dist-(z_hypo-z(n_hypo))*sph/cph tp=tp-(z_hypo-z(n_hypo))/(cph*v_hypo) endif c--sum terms over layers above hypo if (n_hypo.gt.1)then do i=1,n_hypo-1 if (grad(i).gt.0.)then dist=dist+(cp(i)-cp(i+1))/(p*grad(i)) tp=tp+alog(vr(i)*(1.+cp(i))/(1.+cp(i+1)))/grad(i) else dist=dist+d(i)*p*v(i)/cp(i) tp=tp+d(i)/(cp(i)*v(i)) endif end do endif c--sum terms over layers between hypo and ray bottom (if any) c--include layer in which hypo lies if (n_hypo.ne.n_bottom)then do i=n_hypo,n_bottom-1 if (grad(i).ne.0.)then dist=dist+2.*(cp(i)-cp(i+1))/(p*grad(i)) tp=tp+2.*alog(vr(i)*(1.+cp(i))/(1.+cp(i+1)))/grad(i) else dist=dist+2.*d(i)*p*v(i)/cp(i) tp=tp+2.*d(i)/(cp(i)*v(i)) endif end do endif iflagd=1 return endif end
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