
Thanks for your replies .I have used following approach to find the position of two elements relative to each other.

I have added the following functions in user-extentions.js

Selenium.prototype.assertElementAbove = function(locator1, locator2) {

var element1 = this.page().findElement(locator1);

var element2 = this.page().findElement(locator2);

// Get Y coordinates of elements

var Y1 = findPosY(element1);

var Y2 = findPosY(element2);

if(parseFloat(Y1) < parseFloat(Y2))


Assert.matches('1', '1');

// here I wanted a command which tells selenium that the test is correct and as I don't know that I matched 1 with 1




Assert.matches('First element is below or at the same place as second ','1','2');

// here I wanted a command which tells selenium that the test is failed and as I don't know that I matched 1 with 2



function findPosY(obj)


var curtop = 0;

if (obj.offsetParent)


while (obj.offsetParent)


curtop += obj.offsetTop

obj = obj.offsetParent;



else if (obj.y)

curtop += obj.y;

return curtop;


and used following code in my test script

<!-- to find if "Print my bill" is above "Bill messages" link -->



<td>link=Print my bill</td>

<td>link=Bill messages</td>


Its running fine and there are no issues with it.

BUT as you see I have used Assert.matches('1', '1'); to make sure that this test pass when if condition is satisfied and Assert.matches('First element is below or at the same place as second ','1','2'); where it fails. This is just a work around as I don't know what command is there to tell selenium that the test is correct / incorrect

Does anyone has idea if there is some command like assertGreater etc. or any other better way to do that.


Rahul Chaturvedi

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